Rule 11-318 - TERMINATION OF GUARDIANSHIP(a)Local Department Guardianship If a local department is the child's guardian, the court retains jurisdiction as provided in Code, Family Law Article, § 5-328(a). (b)Individual Guardian If the child's guardian is an individual, the court retains jurisdiction as provided in Code, Family Law Article, § 5-328(b). (c)Adoption Order An order for adoption of a child terminates the child's guardianship case. (d)Child with Developmental Disability If the court has entered an order directing the provision of services to the child under Code, Family Law Article, § 5-324(b)(1)(ii)(7)(B), the court retains jurisdiction to rule on any motion related to the enforcement, modification, or termination of the order for as long as the order is in effect. This section does not apply to an order for adoption entered under section (c) of this Rule. Cross reference: See Code, Family Law Article, § 5-328(e).
(e)Closing Case On termination of a guardianship, the court shall enter an order closing the guardianship action.Md. R. Juv. Causes 11-318
Source: This Rule is new.
Adopted Nov 9, 2021, eff. 1/1/2022.