Rule OP 2 - Responsibilities of Advisory CommitteesEach Advisory Committee shall have the following responsibilities:
(a) To receive and assess suggestions of the bench, bar, and public regarding the rules for which it is responsible. The Committee shall retain any suggestions received in writing for a minimum of three years. (b) To hold at least one meeting each year at which a quorum is present. (c) To review at least annually the entire body of rules for which it is responsible. (d) To take appropriate steps to ensure that the bar and public have an opportunity to comment upon matters before the Committee. (e) To submit annually proposed rules and amendments to the Court pursuant to Procedure 3 or to report to the Court that it has determined that no changes are in its opinion necessary at that time. (f) To submit any proposed rule or amendment to the Court at any time when the Committee is of the opinion that the Court should take action on the proposal prior to the time for action on the next annual submission. Me. R. Mak'g Opp. P. OP 2