Iowa R. Juv. Ct. Serv. Direct. Prog. 70.206

As amended through December 17, 2024
Rule 70.206 - Billing and payment

The chief juvenile court officer shall ensure that billing and payment are in compliance with judicial branch requirements and the requirements of the accounting policies and procedures manual of the administrative services state accounting enterprise. A claim that meets the requirements of these rules becomes a state liability on the date of the claim's accrual. The date of a claim's accrual is the date the service was provided, the end of the agreed-upon billing interval specified in the contract, or the date of a determination of liability for the claim.

70.206(1)Claim forms and instructions. The instructions and forms used for billing shall be available to all providers electronically.
a. For claims for noncontracted/court-ordered services:
(1) The provider shall prepare a claim for noncontracted/court-ordered services on Form GAX, General Accounting Expenditure. An original, itemized invoice may accompany a Form GAX in lieu of a claimant's original signature.
(2) The provider shall ensure receipt of a referral from juvenile court services for all noncontracted/court-ordered services and the applicable court order prior to commencement of services as required. The provider shall submit the noncontracted/court-ordered service referral, as applicable, and court order, as applicable, with the GAX form, and/or itemized invoice for payment.
b. For claims for contracted services:
(1) The provider shall prepare a claim for contracted services on Form GAX, General Accounting Expenditure. An original, itemized invoice may accompany a Form GAX in lieu of a claimant's original signature.
(2) The provider shall ensure receipt of a referral from juvenile court services for all contracted services, as applicable. The provider shall also submit the referral along with an approved invoice and a copy of the provider's list of the eligible children for whom the claim is made. The document submitted shall include the name of each child and the number of units of service provided to that child each month, as required by the individual contract.
70.206(2)Preparation of a claim. The Form GAX, General Accounting Expenditure, with an original claimant signature or an original, itemized invoice, shall be submitted with all claims.
a. The Form GAX submitted shall not include claims for more than one state fiscal year.
b. The provider, as vendor, must enter on the Form GAX:
(1) The vendor code.
(2) The vendor's name and mailing address.
(3) The vendor's service month(s).
(4) A short description of the item or service that was purchased.
(5) A claimant original signature of the provider unless an original invoice is submitted.
70.206(3)Support of a claim.
a. The provider bears ultimate responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of each claim submitted.
b. The provider must maintain a record of the dates and times during which each service was provided for each eligible child.
c. The provider's record must correspond to the units billed, as applicable.
70.206(4)Submittal of claims to juvenile court services.
a. Providers shall submit claims to the contract administrator responsible for each contract. The provider shall submit the original Form GAX or original invoice and any required documented support of the claim.
(1) Claims shall be submitted timely to allow the contract administrator to submit the claim for payment within 90 calendar days of the date of the claim's accrual.
(2) To ensure payment from funds appropriated for the state fiscal year, claims shall be submitted timely to allow the contract administrator to submit the claim for payment within 45 calendar days of state fiscal year end, June 30.
70.206(5)Review and approval of claims.
a. The chief juvenile court officer is responsible for accuracy and disposition of claims. The contract administrator shall verify the accuracy of the provider's billings and submit the claims to the chief juvenile court officer for review and approval.
(1) Juvenile court services staff may complete the Form GAX when the provider submits an original invoice or may enter any required missing information to the Form GAX.
(2) To approve the claim, the chief juvenile court officer or designee shall sign the Form GAX in the space titled "order approved by." The signature shall be deemed as certification that the billed expenses were incurred, amounts are correct, and payment should be made.
70.206(6)Claim records. The chief juvenile court officer or approved administrator shall have the responsibility for retention of records, maintenance of records, and authorized access to records. Electronic record retention is acceptable.
a. Juvenile court services shall retain one copy of the claim and supporting documentation as submitted for payment as well as any additional required supporting documentation submitted to juvenile court services by the provider. The copy of the Form GAX and supporting documentation, as well as any additional required supporting documentation submitted to juvenile court services by the provider, are subject to audit.
b. During the required retention period, all records and knowledgeable personnel must be accessible and available for the review or audit. All documents related to each other must be appropriately attached and organized in a manner that provides easy access.
70.206(7)Claim payment.
a. The judicial branch shall reimburse providers for costs when claims are submitted according to the required procedures.
b. The judicial branch shall process a claim through the state appeal board's processes for approving outdated invoices when the judicial branch receives the claim after August 31 for the previous state fiscal year.

Iowa. R. Juv. Ct. Serv. Direct. Prog. 70.206

Court Order December 2, 2022, effective 7/1/2023.