Rule 15.10 - EMERGENCY MATTERS(a) Designation of a matter as an "emergency" is determined to be an extraordinary measure and shall be heard at the discretion of the Court.(b) Emergency motions will be heard by the Judge assigned to the case. If the assigned Judge is unavailable, then the emergency motions shall be heard by the Presiding Judge or his or her designee.(c) The proponent of an alleged "emergency" matter shall have the initial burden of proving the emergency which burden shall include, at a minimum: (1) Prior notice to the opposing party and a supporting affidavit pursuant to Local Rule 6.08;(2) Inability to obtain an assignment on the regularly scheduled call within a reasonable time given the circumstances for which or from which relief is sought; and(3) That immediate and irreparable injury, loss or damage will result if the relief is not granted.(d) Upon a determination by the Court that a matter does not meet the criteria for "emergency" matters, an order so finding shall be entered and the matter may be set on a regular call. Upon oral motion by a party or their attorney who responds to an alleged "emergency," the party or their attorney may be entitled to reimbursement from the movant for actual expenses, fees and costs incurred in responding to the motion.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 15.10