Rule 15.09 - MOTIONS AND HEARINGS(a) Except for the initial status date provided in Local Rule 15.07, all court dates and times, including pre-trial and trial dates, shall be obtained from the trial judge or one of the court schedulers at the direction of the trial judge.(b)Notice. Except for emergency matters, the moving party shall serve proper notice for all motions or petitions for relief in accordance with Local Rule 6.04(d). The notice provided shall state that the motion will be presented on the date specified in the notice.(c)Presentment Call. Except for emergency matters, all motions and petitions shall be placed on the Court's presentment call, by contacting the court scheduler, prior to being set for hearing. The presentment call commences at such time as set by Administrative Order. No contested matters shall be heard during the presentment call. If the motion or petition is not resolved by agreement, an order shall be entered setting a briefing schedule granting the defending party reasonable time to respond or otherwise plead and setting a future status or hearing date on the underlying motion or petition.(d)Hearings. All hearing dates will be assigned by the Court in its discretion. Courtesy copies shall be delivered to the Court by the moving party prior to the hearing pursuant to Rule 6.05(c). Failure to provide courtesy copies in compliance with these Rules may result in a continuance of the hearing by the Court.(e)Changes in Court Dates Initiated by the Court.(1) Whenever the assigned judge determines it necessary to reschedule a court date, the court scheduler, at the direction of the assigned judge, shall prepare an order for signature by the assigned judge.(2) A copy of the order shall be sent by the court scheduler to all attorneys of record in the case.(3) Whenever possible, attorneys of record shall be contacted by the court scheduler beforehand to obtain a mutually acceptable date.(f)Other Changes in Court Dates. (1) All agreed motions for a change in court date must be presented in writing with required notice. If the agreed motion is to change the date of a prove-up or a hearing on a motion, the matter will be reset to an available date. If the agreed motion is to change the date of a pre-trial or trial date, the motion will be placed on the judge's motion call by the court scheduler.(2) Any request for a change in court date which is not by agreement shall be placed on the judge's motion call by the court scheduler.(3) No pre-trials or trials shall be continued except upon written motion and written order after hearing.(4) An appropriate order must be presented to the court scheduler at the time a change in court date is scheduled. The order shall include a paragraph striking the existing date from the call. If the date appearing on an order resetting a prove-up or a hearing of a motion is not available on the appropriate call of the assigned judge, the court scheduler shall place the case on the motion call or prove-up call of the assigned judge on the next available date to which the attorneys can agree.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 15.09