Rule 13.05 - CONDUCT OF THE HEARINGS (S. Ct. Rule 90)(a) A stenographic record of the hearing may be made by any party at that party's expense. If a party has a stenographic record transcribed, notice thereof shall be given to all other parties and a copy shall be furnished to any party upon payment of a proportionate share of the total cost of making the stenographic record.(b) Statements of witnesses shall set forth the name, address, and telephone number of the witness.(c) Costs shall be considered by the arbitration panel pursuant to law.(d) Any party requiring the services of a language interpreter or other assistance for the deaf or hearing impaired during the hearing shall notify the Arbitration Administrator of said need not less than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing.(e) Cases should be ready at the scheduled time. The Arbitration Administrator may extend the time for good cause shown. If no notice is given to the Arbitration Administrator, a party who does not answer ready within fifteen minutes of the time called will be found to be in default and the hearing will proceed ex parte. If a party calls the Arbitration Center and indicates they will be late, the case will be held for a reasonable time. Any time delay will be deducted from the presentation time of the party causing the delay.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 13.05