Rule 13.04 - DISCOVERY (S. Ct. Rule 89)(a) Discovery shall proceed as in all other civil actions.(b) All parties shall comply with the provisions of Supreme Court Rule 222. Within 60 days after the filing of a responsive pleading to the complaint, counterclaim, third party complaint, etc., the parties shall each make the initial disclosure required by S. Ct. Rule 222 and file a notice of disclosure with the Clerk of the Court. If a case is transferred to the Arbitration call by order of court, all parties shall comply with disclosure not later than 28 days after the date of transfer. Failure to make the disclosure statement, as provided by rule, or as the court allows may result in the imposition of sanctions as prescribed in Supreme Court Rule 219(c) and Rule 222(g). No disclosure statement shall be filed with the Clerk, except on order of the court.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 13.04