(a)Subrogation Rights. If the Board authorizes payment in whole or in part of a Claim, the Fund shall be subrogated to the amount of any such payment and may recover the same either by a civil action against the Lawyer or, in the event of the Lawyer's death, insolvency or disability, against the Lawyer's personal representative or other persons administering the Lawyer's estate. (1)Action by Fund. The Bar, on behalf of the Committee, may bring such action as is deemed advisable against the Lawyer or the Lawyer's estate, and shall advise the Claimant of its action. The Claimant may then join in such action to recover any losses in excess of the reimbursement amount from the Fund.(2)Action by Claimant. A Claimant who brings an action directly against the Lawyer or the Lawyer's estate for recovery of losses not reimbursed by the Fund shall promptly notify the Committee of the filing of such action.(3)Cooperation. The Claimant shall cooperate in any effort the Committee undertakes to obtain reimbursement for the Fund.