Rule 24 - Subpoenaed WitnessesA. A subpoena is process of the court directing a witness to appear before the court. Whenever a witness is served a subpoena for a trial, the party on whose behalf the witness is subpoenaed may not release the witness from appearing at the trial or hearing without prior notice to the opposing party, who may object to the release of the witness. If a party objects to the release of a subpoenaed witness, the court may assess the costs of service and witness fees to the objecting party.B. Counsel who subpoena witnesses to testify shall confer with opposing counsel and with the court in order to avoid unnecessary waiting on the part of such witnesses pending their call to the witness stand. Where appropriate, witnesses shall be excused and directed to return to court at a later time.C. Witnesses subpoenaed to appear for matters that are postponed shall remain under subpoena and subject to sanctions for disobedience to the subpoena; however, counsel who requested the subpoena shall be responsible for providing the witness with written information of any new or rescheduled hearing date sufficiently in advance to allow the witness to arrange for appearance.Added June 17, 1999, effective 7/1/1999.