206-4 Wyo. Code R. § 4-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 4-4 - Definitions

(a) Average statewide meal rate. The average rate of meal prices for paid students, by grade level, based on the meal prices reported annually to the Department as of September 1 each year.

(b) Benefits. Amounts paid by the school district on behalf of food service employees including, but not limited to, the employer's share of insurance, retirement programs, social security programs and workmen's compensation programs.

(c) Cash Balance. The beginning cash balance in the food service fund plus cash receipts minus cash disbursements.

(d) Clerical Support. Office work performed for the food service operations.

(e) Code of Conduct Policy. A policy identifying the ethical standards district personnel are required to adhere to in any situations affecting the purchase of goods and services for the district.

(f) Contract Services. Services provided by persons, companies or agencies for food service operations for which a contract has been implemented following applicable procurement requirements.

(g) Department. The Wyoming Department of Education as established by W.S. 21-2-104.

(h) Depreciation. Any method of attributing the historical or purchase cost of

(i) Direct Cost. A cost which can be directly and physically traced to providing food service operations.

(j) Food Service Equipment. A material item that retains its original shape and appearance with use, is non-expendable, does not lose its identity through incorporation into a different or more complex unit, and has a serviceable life of more than one (1) year. The equipment must be used exclusively for the school lunch operations, kept in the food service facility and used to support food service operations (e.g., ovens, coolers, dishwashers, etc.). A service truck, used exclusively in support of food service operations, is included as equipment.

(k) Food Service Facility. Separate, permanent structure and improvements owned by the school district for the purpose of operating and maintaining food service operations.

(l) Food Service Operations. The division within a school district that provides reimbursable and non-reimbursable meals for students, staff, school district personnel, and school district organizations.

(m) Food Service Operations Repair and Maintenance. Food service program repairs and maintenance services provided by outside repair services rather than directly by school district personnel (e.g., dishwasher maintenance, cooler repair, oven repair, etc.).

(n) Food Service Worker. Any food service operations employee who prepares and serves meals, cleans the food service facility, works in some clerical capacity, such as a cashier or secretary, or otherwise works directly for the food service operations.

(o) Funding Deficit. The negative difference created when subtracting school district food service operation allowable expenditures from school district food service operation revenues.

(p) Indirect Cost. A cost that is not directly identifiable with providing food services but rather is incurred as a consequence of the overall operating activities of the school district and charged back to the food service operation through an approved allocation rate and process by the Department.

(q) Insurance. Premium payments to insure the school district against loss or damage to a stand-alone (not attached to another building) food service facility or school district vehicle assigned to food service operations.

(r) Inventories. Lists for goods and materials, or those goods and materials themselves, held available in stock for food service operations.

(s) Maintenance. The activities involved in the up-keep and repair of the food service facility and equipment. This does not include the maintenance of the building structure or envelope or the replacement of any major components of the building. This would include, but is not limited to, the HVAC or electrical system or the roof.

(t) Non-reimbursable meals. Meals that do not qualify for reimbursement under the rules and regulations established by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. These meals include, but are not limited to, adult meals, incomplete meals, catered meals, and any snacks that are not reimbursed through U. S. Department of Agriculture funds.

(u) Operation. The daily activities involved in directing, managing, and supervising the food service operations.

(v) Procurement. Acquisition of goods and/or services at the best possible total cost of ownership, in the right quantity and quality, at the right time and in the right place for the direct benefit of the food service operations; generally via contract.

(w) Purchased Services. Services which are professional and technical in nature and not provided by school district personnel (food service management, food handling training, etc.).

(x) Qualifying Meals. The meals on which state reimbursement will be paid. These meals include lunches and breakfasts for which the district has received reimbursement under U. S. Department of Agriculture regulations.

(y) Qualifying School District. A school district that provides reimbursable meals to its students, experiences a funding deficit that has been covered by school district General Fund transfers, and has a Department approved application for food service financial assistance.

(z) Reimbursable meals. Meals that qualify for reimbursement under the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations as identified in 7 CFR 210 and 7 CFR 220.

(aa) Salary. Amount paid to employees of the school district who work in the food service operations.

(bb) Supervisor. The person directly in charge of the day-to-day operation of the district food service operations.

(cc) Supplies. Material items of an expendable nature that may be consumed, worn out or deteriorate with use; or items that lose their identity through fabrication or incorporation into different or more complex units or substances. The supplies must be related to food service operations.

(dd) Utilities. Expenditures for services usually provided by public utilities such as water, sewage, electricity, gas, garbage collection, natural gas, oil, and coal used in a stand-alone food service facility.

206-4 Wyo. Code R. § 4-4