206-39 Wyo. Code R. § 39-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 39-4 - Definitions

(a) Behind-the-wheel - The practical portion of a driver education program which takes place in a vehicle, operated under on-street conditions under the supervision of a teacher seated in the front seat to the right of the student.

(b) Board of cooperative educational services - A method (established under W.S. 21-20-101 through 21-20-111 ) for school districts and community college districts, or any combination, to work together and cooperate to provide educational services.

(c) Certificate of approval - A certificate issued by the Wyoming Department of Education to an approved driver education program.

(d) Certificate of completion - A hard copy certificate showing that a student has successfully completed a driver education program.

(e) Classroom session - The portion of a driver education program consisting of lectures, demonstrations, audio-video presentations, written tests, etc. normally presented in a classroom setting.

(f) Clock hour - A period of time, not necessarily consecutive, consisting of 60 minutes.

(g) Community college - An institution established under Wyoming Statute 21, Chapter 18.

(h) Community education program - An educational program offered to a community by a school district, community college, recreation district or other governmental entity.

(i) Driver education program - A specific course of instruction comprised of a classroom phase and at least one laboratory phase which teaches students to drive a motor vehicle. In a public school, the program must be presented by a teacher or instructor qualified under W.S. W.S. W.S. 21-7-303(c) to teach driver education.

(j) Driver education school - A school that teaches a driver education program and is not part of a public school, private school, community college, board of cooperative educational services, community education program, or parent based driver education program. Students are under age 21 and working towards their initial driver license.

(k) High school - A school consisting of grades nine (9) through twelve (12), or any combination of grades within this range.

(l) Home based educational program - A program of educational instruction provided to a child by the child's parent or legal guardian or by a person designated by the parent or legal guardian. An instructional program provided to more than one (1) family unit does not constitute a home-based educational program.

(m) Laboratory phase - Simulation, multi-car range and/or behind-the-wheel training.

(n) Multi-car range - The practical portion of a driver education program that is taught using multiple vehicles on a closed driving area. Each vehicle is under the direct control of a student, who is in communication with an instructor.

(o) Parent based driver education program - A driver education program taught by a parent or legal guardian to their own child or children when the high school the student(s) attends does not offer a driver education course.

(p) Private school - Any nonpublic, elementary or secondary school providing a basic academic educational program for children and may include parochial and church or religious schools and home-based educational programs.

(q) Simulation - The practical portion of a driver education program that uses simulated traffic events which provide students with opportunities to respond with realistic driving controls under the close supervision of a teacher. These events can be on film or computer generated.

206-39 Wyo. Code R. § 39-4