Current through April 27, 2019
(a) Parents shall be given a copy of written program policies, initially and when there are changes to the policy. Program policy shall include the following: - (i) Discipline procedures;
- (ii) Sick children in care;
- (iii) Administration of medication;
- (iv) Safety procedures outlining conditions for use of a swimming or wading pool if one is used;
- (v) Administrative policy such as payment, hours of operation and services provided by the child care facility;
- (vi) Safety procedures for the release of children;
- (vii) The presence of any weapons on the premises;
- (viii) Any unusual policies (i.e. not celebrating birthdays or holidays);
- (ix) Information on sleeping arrangement and supervision when overnight care of children is provided;
- (x) Emergency preparedness guidelines and procedures shall be given to parents in writing and include:
- (A) How parents shall be notified in the case of an emergency at the facility;
- (B) Relocation site with contact information at that site; and
- (C) Procedures for child reunification or release.
- (xi) Complaint procedures for reporting concerns; and
- (xii) Information on obtaining a facility's complaint and compliance report.