Appendix I - SUPPLEMENT - Number 3

Current through April 27, 2019
Appendix I - SUPPLEMENT - Number 3

TITLE: Special inspection requirements regarding Rhabdovirus Disease of Northern Pike Fry (PFR)

INTRODUCTION: Rhabdovirus Disease of Northern Pike Fry caused by the agent known as Pike Fry Rhabdovirus (PFR) is in the Prohibited Disease/Pathogen category.

Inspection procedures for this disease and the agent causing it are included in the Inspection Regimen listed below. However, since this disease is currently known to occur only in Europe, inspection for this disease/pathogen shall only be required for importations of Esocids and Percids from Europe. Inspecting Agents shall evaluate inspections completed by European fish health specialists.

Clinical signs include:

1) loss of equilibrium;

2) pale gills;

3) exophthalmia;

4) hydrocephalus;

5) redness and swelling above pelvic fins; and

6) petechiae of spinal cord, spleen, pancreas, and hematopoietic tissues of kidneys.


1. Assume no greater than 5% carrier prevalence and sample for 95% confidence in each lot.

2. Sample processing:

a) Use standard inoculum preparation procedures employing whole fry, viscera, or kidney/spleen samples.

b) Employ RTG-2, FHM, or other cell lines demonstrated to be sensitive to PFR.

c) Incubate primary inoculation assays for fourteen (14) days in the temperature range of 15C to 24C.

3. Virus identification:

a) Positively identify PFR with serological procedures, if available.

b) Presumptively identify PFR by characterization of CPE and inability of other antiseras to neutralize infectivity (if specific PFR antiserum is not available).