037-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 3-4 - Supplemental Supply Water Right Applications

a. An application for a supplemental supply water right is filed for the purpose of obtaining a permit for the right to use supplemental water from a new direct flow source of supply for lands which already have an appropriation of water from a primary direct flow source. The original and each supplemental supply must divert from distinctly different sources. A permit for a supplemental supply water right may be obtained when the water supply from the original source of supply is insufficient to provide the statutory appropriation.

b. In the administration of such combined appropriations, the appro-priator is required to first use water from his original source. When the available supply of water from the original source is less than the maximum amount allowed by State law, then the supplemental supply may be used to augment the original supply. In the case of more than one supplemental supply appropriation, the augmentation water from the different sources must be used in sequence of the priorities of the appropriation; i.e., earliest priority first, etc. The appropriator is limited to the maximum statutory amount of water regardless of the number of sources from which such water is being diverged.

c. Supplemental supply applications may be submitted on either Form S.W. I or Form S.W. 2, depending on whether a new or existing facility is involved. The application and map should be completed in the same manner as original and enlargement applications (see Sections 2 and 8 of this Chapter), with the following exception:

  • (1) ITEM 10 - "The land to be irrigated under this permit is described in the following tabulation: (Give irrigable acreage in each 0-acre subdivision. Designate ownership of land. Federal, State or private. If private, list names of owners and land owned separately.) If application is for stock, domestic, or for purposes other than irrigation, indicate point of use by 40-acre subdivision and owner." -- The listing of lands to be covered by supplemental supply rights should be preceded by a statement such as:

    "Supplemental supply is desired for the irrigation of the following described Lands, which have an original supply under Permit No. 110, through the Model Ditch, from Wyoming Creek,"

  • (2) All lands with an original supply for which a supplemental supply is requested, must be identified by original supply and ditch. See the sample application on page 15 for the proper way to complete this item.

037-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-4