a. A secondary permit is a permit to divert and appropriate the water stored in a reservoir for beneficial purposes. When water is once impounded in a reservoir, it is considered as stored water, and a secondary permit may be secured in order to attach the use of the stored water to the purpose desired. Unallocated stored water may be used on any lands or exchanged for direct flow, or otherwise applied to such beneficial use as authorized by the reservoir permit.
b. An application for secondary permit is made on the same form as an application for original water right -- Form S.W. - 1. The words "SECONDARY APPLICATION" should be inserted Just above the name of the Facility on the firBt page of the application form.
c. The secondary application is filled out in the same manner as an original water right application (see Section 2 of this Chapter), with the following exceptions: - (1) NAME Of FACILITY -If the conveying facility is an existing ditch, use the name now of record; otherwise assign an appropriate name.
- (2) ITEM 4 -- "The source of the proposed appropriation is . . . ,"- The name of the reservoir, its permit number, and the source of supply for the reservoir should be shown. For example: 'Water stored in Model Reservoir, Permit No. 100 Res., supplied from South Fork of Wyoming Creek, tributary of Wyoming Creek, tributary of Green River".
- (3) ITEM 10 {{ "The land to be irrigated under this permit is described in the following tabulation: (Give irrigable acreage in each 40-acre subdivision. Designate ownership of land, Federal, State or private. If private, list names of owners and land owned separately.) If application is for stock, domestic, or for purposes other than irrigation, indicate point of use by 40-acre subdivision and owner." -- See the sample application on page 20 for the proper way to complete this item.
- (4) A form "Allocation of Interest and Capacity in Reservoir" must be completed and attached to the secondary application. A sample allocation form is shown on page 21. Blank allocation forms may be obtained from the State Engineer's Office.