037-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-2

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 2-2 - Acquisition Procedure

The following steps briefly outline the necessary procedure for obtaining a ground water right:

a. An application must be submitted to the State Engineer's Office, accompanied by the legally required Two Dollar ($2.00) filing fee. A separate application is required for each well.

b. Upon receipt in the State Engineer's Office, the application will be reviewed. If there are any questions to be resolved, the applicant or his agent, if any, will be contacted. If the requested information is not submitted within 90 days of the date the information is requested, the application will be submitted to the State Engineer for rejection. The applicant will be notified by certified mail before the application is rejected.

c. When in proper form, the application is approved by the State Engineer, and becomes a ground water permit. The permit is assigned a number, and a copy of the approved permit is returned to the applicant (permittee). An application for a permit in any area not designated as a control area, shall be granted as a matter of course, if the proposed use is beneficial and would be in the public interest.

d. The permittee should read and understand all limitations on the approved permit. Besides the standard limitations printed on the permit and inherent under the law, additional limitations deemed necessary by the State Engineer may be added prior to approval of the permit.

e. The permittee is required to submit written notification to the State Engineer's Office of the date the well is commenced; the date it is completed, with pump or valve; and the date the water is beneficially used for the purposes specified in the permit. The permittee is also required to submit information on water levels, a driller's log, and other pertinent data relating to the well.

f. For all wells, with the present exception of strictly domestic and/or stock wells, a map certified by a licensed professional engineer or land surveyor, must be submitted at the time the Proof of Appropriation and Beneficial Use of Ground Water form is submitted. This map and other required notices will form the basis for adjudication of the water right. See Chapters V and VI for mapping requirements.

037-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-2