(a) A rate-regulated cooperative utility may file an expedited rate change application on an emergency basis to maintain minimum cash flow requirements. - (i) The application shall demonstrate that cash flow requirements are not being met under current authorized rates. The requested revenue increase may be no greater than that necessary to meet its minimum cash flow requirements on a normalized basis.
- (ii) The application shall, at a minimum, include:
- (A) Board of Directors' resolution authorizing the change in rates;
- (B) A copy of RUS Form 7 for the previous 12-month period;
- (C) Comparison of existing and proposed rates;
- (D) Proposed rates and tariff sheets;
- (E) Proof of revenue exhibit showing adjusted sales;
- (G) An exhibit illustrating the current financial condition, normalizing adjustments, the additional revenues anticipated as a result of the proposed rate increase and the resulting normalized revenue requirement calculation;
- (H) Exhibits which clearly illustrate the calculation of applicable financial parameters under both the existing and proposed rates and a demonstration of the minimum cash flow requirements; and
- (J) An exhibit illustrating the proposed allocation of rate changes to each customer class.
(b) Each cooperative utility shall maintain accounting records in accordance with the requirements of the RUS.
023-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-37