All persons who have existing solid waste disposal sites that serve 3,000 or more people and/or who are operating industrial or hazardous waste disposal sites shall submit operating plans to the Department by January 1, 1977. All other persons operating solid waste disposal sites (municipal sites serving less than 3,000 population, county sites, private sites, construction/demolition fill, etc.) shall submit operating plans to the Department by July 1, 1977. If a person already has a letter of approval for operating it will not be necessary to submit these plans. If the site or sites are not in compliance with Sections 10 and 11 of these Rules and Regulations the responsible person must include a proposed plan of action with a date or dates when compliance will be obtained. The Department, after consultation with the responsible person, will approve or disapprove the proposed compliance schedule. If the schedule is disapproved, the Department will provide the responsible person with a compliance date. In the event that a person does not agree with the compliance date set by the Department, he can request a hearing before the Environmental Quality Council. Such a request for hearing shall be submitted in writing to the Director and shall state the grounds for the request. Any hearing held shall be conducted pursuant to the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Department.
The submission of a compliance schedule, operating plans or operating under a compliance schedule does not relieve the operator of a solid waste disposal site of his legal responsibility to operate the facility in a manner which does not create a public nuisance, a health hazard, a fire hazard or does not violate applicable Air and Water Quality standards.
020-15 Wyo. Code R. § 15-13