011-20 Wyo. Code R. § 20-11

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 20-11 - Commercial Importation And Storage Of Alcoholic Beverages

(a.) License Required. No person, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation shall be allowed to import alcoholic beverages, other than malt beverages, into Wyoming and store them within the state unless a license shall have first been issued, except as otherwise provided by W.S. 12-3-101(d).

(b.) License May be Granted. A license may be granted by the Division for the commercial importation and storage of alcoholic beverages in Wyoming to any qualified person, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation of this state. The alcoholic beverages, other than malt beverages, shall be sold by the licensee exclusively to the Division, and to no other person, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership or corporation within this state; nor shall any retail sales or deliveries be made by a licensee.

(c.) Annual License Fee. The annual fee for the license is set by statute with the privilege of renewal from year to year unless otherwise revoked or suspended for cause.

Each applicant for a license shall submit to the Division a statement under oath stating that the applicant will maintain a warehouse within Wyoming and identifying all products which the applicant proposes to import and store within Wyoming.

(d.) Applicant to Comply with Applicable Federal and State Requirements. Applicants shall comply with all applicable federal statutes and regulations as well as the Wyoming Alcoholic Beverage Statutes, Rules and Regulations.

(e.) Duration of License. A license for the commercial importation and storage of alcoholic beverages in Wyoming shall be a personal privilege, good for one (1) year from date of approval by the Division unless sooner suspended or revoked.

All applications and fees for renewal shall be filed with the Division forty- five (45) days prior to the date of expiration.

(f.) Conditions of License. Upon issuance of a license, the licensee shall comply with the following terms and conditions:

Any alcoholic beverages being stored by the licensee in Wyoming shall not be stored in any place other than that designated upon the application for license, unless written notification has been given to the administrator of the Division.

Any alcoholic beverages being stored by the licensee shall not be removed from storage except for transfer to the Division or for interstate shipment upon twenty-four (24) hours advance written notification to the Division.

The Division shall have the right to order the licensee to provide any purchase, shipping, or inventory information, and the right to enter and inspect any premises in which alcoholic beverages are being stored.

No licensee shall furnish, rent, give, or lend any money or anything of value to any owner, proprietor, licensee, agent, or employee of any retail liquor or malt beverage establishment.

No licensee shall furnish, rent, give, lend, or sell to any retailer at cost or below cost any equipment, fixtures, or supplies.

The licensee shall at all times maintain accurate and current records concerning purchases, receipts, and shipments, and shall within forty-eight (48) hours prior to importation of any alcoholic beverages into Wyoming, submit to the Division copies of all original invoices, shipping manifests, and bills of lading.

011-20 Wyo. Code R. § 20-11