CONSTRUCTION & EVALUATION: construction contract administration and post-occupancy evaluation of projects: preconstruction activities, construction observation, administrative procedures and protocols, and project closeout and evaluation.
PRACTICE MANAGEMENT: management of architectural practice and the details of running a business: business operations, finance, risk and development of practice, practice-wide delivery of services, and practice methodologies.
PROGRAMMING & ANALYSIS: evaluation of project requirements, constraints, and opportunities: environmental and contextual conditions, codes and regulations, site analysis and programming, and building analysis and programming.
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & DOCUMENTATION: integration and documentation of building systems, material selection, and material assemblies into a project: integration of building materials and systems, construction documentation, project manual and specifications, codes and regulation, and construction cost estimates.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT: management of architectural projects through execution: resource management, project work planning, contracts, project execution, and project quality control.
PROJECT PLANNING & DESIGN: preliminary design of sites and buildings: environmental conditions and context, codes and regulation, building systems, materials, and assemblies, project integration of program and systems, and project costs and budgeting.
W. Va. Code R. § 2-1-2