Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R746-312-10 - Level 3 Interconnection Review(1) A generating facility that meets the following criteria is eligible for Level 3 interconnection review:(a) the generating facility has a capacity of greater than two megawatts but no larger than 20 megawatts;(b) the generating facility is not certified; or(c) the generating facility does not qualify for or failed to meet Level 1 or Level 2 interconnection review requirements.(2) A public utility must process, evaluate, and approve, if appropriate, each Level 3 request for interconnection according to the following steps unless the public utility has received approval from the commission for an alternative Level 3 interconnection review method: (a) The public utility shall date and time stamp each interconnection request on the day it was received by the public utility.(b) Within three business days after receipt of an interconnection request, the public utility shall acknowledge to the interconnection customer receipt of the interconnection request.(c) Within ten business days after receipt of an interconnection request, the public utility shall evaluate the interconnection request and notify the interconnection customer whether the interconnection request is complete. (i) If the interconnection request is not complete, the public utility must provide a list detailing the information that must be provided to finish the application.(ii) Within ten business days of receipt of this notification, the interconnection customer must submit the missing information to the public utility or request an extension of time to provide the information. If the interconnection customer does not provide the listed information or request an extension of time within the ten-business day deadline, the interconnection request shall be considered withdrawn.(iii) An interconnection request shall be considered complete upon submission of the listed information.(d) Scoping Meeting. If requested, a scoping meeting shall be held as follows within ten business days after the interconnection request is considered complete, or as otherwise mutually agreed to by the parties:(i) The public utility and the interconnection customer shall bring to the meeting personnel, including system engineers and other resources, as may be reasonably required to accomplish the purpose of the meeting;(ii) The purpose of the scoping meeting is to:(A) discuss the interconnection request and review existing studies relevant to the interconnection request; and(B) discuss whether the public utility should perform a feasibility study or proceed directly to a system impact study, a facilities study, or an interconnection agreement;(iii) Scoping meeting follow-up: (A) If the parties agree that a feasibility study should be performed, the public utility shall provide the interconnection customer as soon as possible, but no later than five business days after the scoping meeting, a feasibility study agreement including an outline of the scope of the study and a non-binding, good faith estimate of the cost to perform the study.(B) If the parties agree not to perform a feasibility study but rather proceed directly to the system impact study, the public utility shall, no later than five business days after the scoping meeting, provide the interconnection customer with a system impact study agreement including an outline of the scope of the study and a non-binding, good faith estimate of the cost to perform the study.(iv) The scoping meeting may be omitted by mutual agreement. If the scoping meeting is omitted, the public utility, if requested by the interconnection customer, must provide information pertinent to the interconnection request, for example, the available fault current at the proposed interconnection location, the peak loading on the lines in the general vicinity of the generating facility, and the configuration of the distribution lines at the proposed point of common coupling, within ten business days after the interconnection request is considered complete.(e) Feasibility Study. A feasibility study shall provide a preliminary evaluation of the system impact that would result from interconnecting the generating facility and the cost of interconnecting the generating facility to the public utility's electric distribution system and shall be finished as follows: (i) For interconnection customers opting to forgo a scoping meeting and proceeding directly to the feasibility study, the public utility shall provide the interconnection customer, as soon as possible but no later than ten business days after receipt of a completed application, a standard form feasibility study agreement including an outline of the scope of the study and a non-binding, good faith estimate of the cost to perform the study.(ii) To remain in consideration for interconnection, an interconnection customer who has requested or requires a feasibility study, either as part of or independent of a scoping meeting, must return the executed feasibility study agreement within 30 business days of receipt. A deposit of the lesser of 50% of the good faith estimate or earnest money of $1,000 may be required from the interconnection customer.(iii) Within 30 business days of receipt of an executed study agreement and payment of any required deposit, the public utility shall conduct the feasibility study and notify the interconnection customer either:(A) the feasibility study shows no potential for adverse system impacts, no facilities are required, and the interconnection request is approved, in which case the public utility shall send the interconnection customer an executable interconnection agreement within five business days;(B) the feasibility study shows no potential for adverse system impacts; however, additional facilities may be required and the review process shall proceed to a facilities study. When proceeding to a facilities study, the public utility shall provide the interconnection customer a standard form facilities study agreement, including an outline of the scope of the study and a non-binding, good faith estimate of the cost to perform the study within five business days; or(C) the feasibility study shows the potential for adverse system impacts, and the review process shall proceed to a system impact study. When proceeding to a system impact study, the public utility shall provide the interconnection customer with a standard form system impact study agreement including an outline of the scope of the study and a non-binding, good faith estimate of the cost to perform the study within 15 business days of transmittal of the feasibility study report.(iv) Any feasibility study fees will be invoiced to the interconnection customer after the feasibility study is completed and delivered and will include a summary of professional time. The interconnection customer must pay any study costs that exceed the deposit without interest within 30 calendar days of receipt of the invoice or resolution of any dispute but this payment responsibility shall be limited to and not exceed 125% of the public utility's non-binding, good faith estimate for the study. If the deposit exceeds the invoiced fees, the public utility shall refund the excess within 30 calendar days of the invoice without interest.(f) System Impact Study. Any required system impact study must be conducted in accordance with good utility practice and shall be finished as follows: (i) The system impact study shall: (A) provide details on the impacts to the electric distribution system that would result if the generating facility were interconnected without modifications to either the generating facility or to the electric distribution system;(B) identify any modifications to the public utility's electric distribution system necessary to accommodate the proposed interconnection;(C) focus on power flows and utility protective devices, including control requirements; and(D) include the following elements, as applicable:(II) a short-circuit study;(III) a circuit protection and coordination study;(IV) the impact on the operation of the electric distribution system;(V) a stability study, along with the conditions that would justify including this element in the impact study;(VI) a voltage collapse study, along with the conditions that would justify including this element in the impact study; and(VII) additional elements, if justified by the public utility and approved in writing by the public utility and the interconnection customer before the impact study.(ii) To remain in consideration for interconnection, an interconnection customer who has requested a system impact study, either as part of or independent of a scoping meeting or feasibility study, must return the executed impact study agreement within 30 business days of receipt of the agreement. A deposit of the good faith estimated costs for each system impact study may be required from the interconnection customer.(iii) After the applicant executes the system impact study agreement and pays any required deposit, the public utility shall finish the impact study and distribute the results to the interconnection customer within 30 business days, or 45 business days for transmission impact studies, notifying the interconnection customer either:(A) Only minor modifications to the public utility's electric distribution or transmission system are necessary to accommodate interconnection. In this case, the public utility must:(I) provide to the interconnection customer at the same time the detail of the scope of the necessary modifications, a non-binding, good faith estimate of their cost, and an executable interconnection agreement; and(II) approve the interconnection request upon receipt of the executed interconnection agreement from the interconnection customer.(B) Modifications to the public utility's electric distribution system or transmission system are necessary to accommodate the proposed interconnection in which case the public utility must provide at the same time either: (I) a non-binding, good faith estimate of the cost of the modifications, if known; and(II) a standard form facilities study agreement including an outline of the scope of the study and a non-binding, good faith estimate of the cost to perform the facilities study.(iv) If the proposed interconnection may affect electric transmission or delivery systems other than those controlled by the public utility, operators of those other systems may need additional studies to determine the potential impact of the interconnection on those systems. If additional studies are required, the public utility must coordinate the studies but will not be responsible for their timing. The applicant shall be responsible for the costs of each additional study required by another affected system. These studies will be conducted only after the applicant has provided written authorization.(v) Any study fees will be invoiced to the interconnection customer after the system impact study is completed and delivered and will include a summary of professional time. The interconnection customer must pay any study costs that exceed the deposit without interest within 30 calendar days of receipt of the invoice or resolution of any dispute but this payment responsibility shall be limited to and not exceed 125% of the public utility's non-binding, good faith estimate for the study. If the deposit exceeds the invoiced fees, the public utility shall refund the excess within 30 calendar days of the invoice without interest.(g) Facilities Study. The results of the facilities study shall specify a non-binding, good faith cost estimate of the equipment, engineering, procurement, and construction work, including overheads, needed to implement the conclusion of the system impact study for the interconnection customer to safely interconnect the generating facility with the public utility's electric distribution system and the time required to build and install those facilities. The following provisions apply to the facilities study:(i) A public utility may require a deposit of the good faith estimated costs for the facilities study.(ii) To remain under consideration for interconnection, the interconnection customer must return the executed facilities study agreement and any required deposit, or request an extension of time, within 30 business days.(iii) Design for any required interconnection facilities or upgrades shall be performed under the facilities study agreement. The public utility may contract with consultants to perform activities required under the facilities study agreement. The interconnection customer and the public utility may agree to allow the interconnection customer to separately arrange for the design of some of the interconnection facilities. In these cases, facilities design will be reviewed, modified, or both, before acceptance by the public utility under the facilities study agreement. If the parties agree to separately arrange for design and construction, and, provided security and confidentiality requirements may be met, the public utility shall make sufficient information available to the interconnection customer in accordance with confidentiality and critical infrastructure requirements to permit the interconnection customer to get an independent design and cost estimate for any necessary facilities.(iv) If upgrades are required, the facilities study must be completed and the facilities study report transmitted to the interconnection customer within 45 business days of the public utilities receipt of the facilities study agreement from the interconnection customer. If no upgrades are necessary, and the required facilities are limited to interconnection facilities, the facilities study must be completed and the facilities study report transmitted to the interconnection customer within 30 business days of the public utilities receipt of the facilities study agreement from the interconnection customer. The report, and any ensuing interconnection agreement, must list the conditions and facilities necessary for the generating facility to safely interconnect with the public utility's electric distribution system, and must include a non-binding, good faith estimate of the cost of those facilities and the estimated time required to build and install those facilities.(v) Upon completion of the facilities study and receipt of agreement of the interconnection customer to pay for interconnection facilities and upgrades identified in the facilities study, the public utility shall approve the interconnection request.(vi) Any study fees will be invoiced to the interconnection customer after the facilities study is completed and delivered and will include a summary of professional time. The interconnection customer must pay any study costs that exceed the deposit without interest within 30 calendar days of receipt of the invoice or resolution of any dispute, but this payment responsibility shall be limited to and not exceed 125% of the public utility's non-binding, good faith estimate for the study. If the deposit exceeds the invoiced fees, the public utility shall refund the excess within 30 calendar days of the invoice without interest.(h) Either before, along with, or within five business days after notifying the interconnection customer that the interconnection request has been approved, a public utility must provide the procedures, requirements, and associated forms for final authorization of the interconnection, as determined applicable by the public utility. These procedures and requirements may include:(i) completion of any required inspection of the generating facility by the building code official with jurisdiction over the generating facility and transmittal to the public utility of appropriate documentation;(ii) transmittal to the public utility of any required notice of completion, notice of start-up, or interconnection agreement;(iii) installation of any required meter modification by the public utility;(iv) completion of any required inspection of the generating facility before operation by the public utility; or(v) the requirement that the applicant may not begin parallel operations of the generating facility until receipt of a final approval or authorization of interconnection.(i) The customer and the public utility may mutually agree to terms that vary from the standard form interconnection agreement, but this non-standard agreement shall be subject to commission approval.(3) An interconnection customer must notify the public utility of the anticipated testing and inspection date of the generating facility at least ten business days before testing, either through the submittal of the interconnection agreement, a notice of completion, or in a separate notice.(4) Within ten business days of receipt of the required documentation, for example, the executed interconnection agreement, notice of completion, or documentation of satisfactory completion of inspections by non-company personnel, the public utility must, if it has not already done so, conduct any company-required inspection or witness test, set the new meter, if required, approve the interconnection, and provide written notification to the interconnection customer of the final interconnection authorization or approval and that the generating facility is authorized or approved for parallel operation. If the public utility does not conduct the witness test within ten business days or by mutual agreement of the parties, the witness test is considered waived.(5) Witness Test Not Acceptable: If the witness test is conducted and is not acceptable to the public utility, the interconnection customer must be granted a period of 60 business days to resolve any deficiencies. The parties may mutually agree to extend the period for resolving any deficiencies. If the interconnection customer fails to address and resolve the deficiencies to the satisfaction of the public utility within the agreed-upon period, the interconnection request is considered withdrawn.Utah Admin. Code R746-312-10
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2017-2, effective 12/22/2016Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-08, effective 4/9/2024