Utah Admin. Code 392-302-28

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R392-302-28 - Restroom and Shower Facilities
(1) The manager shall ensure that:
(a) a bather has access to a restroom with a shower facility in accordance with Table 4 and Table 5, and the restroom and shower facility is:
(i) located with convenient access for bathers;
(ii) located no further than 150 feet from the pool deck; and
(iii) designed to break the line of sight into the restroom and shower facilities from other locations;
(b) the minimum number of toilets provided is based upon the designed peak bather load with a minimum of two unisex facilities, or one for each gender, except where the facility is used exclusively by one gender;
(c) the minimum number of toilet and shower fixtures are installed in accordance with Table 4 and Table 5, except as described in Subsection (2); and
(d) handwashing sinks are installed at the ratio of one handwashing sink for each toilet up to four toilets, then one handwashing sink for each two additional toilets.
(2) By considering the number of available sanitary fixtures within 150 feet of the pool deck perimeter, the local health officer may reduce the minimum number of fixtures to no fewer than two toilets and one shower fixture for a unisex restroom, or one toilet and shower fixture for each gendered restroom, except where the peak bather load is 25 or fewer bathers, in which case the minimum number may be one toilet and one shower fixture for a unisex restroom.





1:1 to 25

1:1 to 25

2:26 to 75

2:26 to 75

3:76 to 125

3:76 to 125

4:126 to 200

4:126 to 200

5:201 to 300

5:201 to 300

6:301 to 400

6:301 to 400

Over 400, add one fixture for each additional 200 males or 150 females

Where urinals are installed, the manager may reduce the number of toilets by one toilet for each installed urinal, except that the number of toilets may not be reduced to fewer than 1/2 of the minimum number of toilets required.





1:4000 square feet of pool surface area or portion thereof

1:4000 square feet of pool surface area or portion thereof

(3) The manager shall ensure that each restroom is supplied with:
(a) soap and toilet tissue in suitable dispensers;
(b) individual disposable towels or other hand drying fixture approved by the local health officer, such as an air dryer; and
(c) a solid, durable, covered, and easily cleanable waste receptacle.
(4) The manager shall ensure that each shower fixture:
(a) is enclosed for privacy;
(b) has a thermostatically controlled mixing valve capable of providing two gallons per minute of 90 degree Fahrenheit water to each shower fixture; and
(c) has a liquid soap in a suitable dispenser.
(5) The manager shall ensure that each plumbing fixture is:
(a) designed to be easily cleanable, and withstand frequent cleaning and disinfecting;
(b) maintained in an operable, clean, and sanitary condition; and
(6) The manager shall ensure that:
(a) each restroom is constructed of materials that have smooth, non-slip surfaces, and are impervious to moisture;
(b) the floor of a restroom and shower facility slopes to a drain and is constructed to prevent accumulation of water;
(c) carpeting is not installed on restroom or shower floors; and
(d) junctions between walls and floors are coved.

Utah Admin. Code R392-302-28

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2017-12, effective 6/1/2017
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2018-12, effective 5/24/2018
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-05, effective 2/26/2020
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-16, effective 8/10/2020
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-17, effective 8/21/2023