Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R307-150-3 - Applicability(1) Section R307-150-4 applies to stationary sources with actual emissions of 100 tons or more per year of sulfur dioxide in calendar year 2000 or any subsequent year unless exempted in Subsection R307-150-3(1)(a). Sources subject to Subsection R307-150-4 may be subject to other sections of Rule R307-150. (a) A stationary source that meets the requirements of Subsection R307-150-3(1) that has permanently ceased operation is exempt from the requirements of Section R307-150-4 for the years during which the source did not operate at any time during the year.(b) Notwithstanding Subsection R307-150-3(1)(a), beginning with 2016 emissions, the Division of Air Quality will include emissions of 8,005 tons per year of sulfur dioxide for the Carbon Power Plant in the annual regional sulfur dioxide milestone report required as part of the Regional Haze State Implementation Plan.(c) Except as provided in Subsection R307-150-3(1)(a), any source that meets the criteria of Subsection R307-150-3(1) and that emits less than 100 tons per year of sulfur dioxide in any subsequent year shall remain subject to the requirements of Section R307-150-4 until 2018 or until the first control period under the Western Backstop Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program as established in Subsection R307-250-12(1)(a), whichever is earlier.(2) Section R307-150-5 applies to large major sources.(3) Section R307-150-6 applies to: (a) each major source that is not a large major source;(b) each source with the potential to emit 5 tons or more per year of lead; (c) each source not included in Subsections R307-150-3(2), R307-150-3(3)(a), or R307-150-3(3)(b) that is located in Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, or Weber Counties and that has the potential to emit 25 tons or more per year of any combination of oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur and PM10, or the potential to emit 10 tons or more per year of volatile organic compounds; and(d) each Part 70 source not included in Subsections R307-150-3(2), R307-150-3(3)(a), R307-150-3(3)(b), or R307-150-3(3)(c).(4) Section R307-150-8 applies to sources with Standard Industrial Classification codes in the major group 13 that have uncontrolled actual emissions greater than one ton per year for a single pollutant of PM10, PM2.5, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, carbon monoxide or volatile organic compounds. These sources include, but are not limited to, industries involved in oil and natural gas exploration, production, and transmission operations; well production facilities; natural gas compressor stations; and natural gas processing plants and commercial oil and gas disposal wells, and ponds. (a) Sources that require inventory submittals under Subsections R307-150-3(1) through R307-150-3(3) are excluded from the requirements of Section R307-150-8.(5) Section R307-150-9 applies to stationary sources located in a designated ozone nonattainment area that have the potential to emit oxides of nitrogen or volatile organic compounds greater than 25 tons per year.Utah Admin. Code R307-150-3
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-1, effective 12/15/2015Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2018-7, effective 3/5/2018Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2019-14, effective 6/25/2019Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-18, effective 9/3/2020