Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0520-02-03-.06

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Individuals seeking a JROTC license shall submit the following information to the Department of Education:
(a) Certification of preparation by the branch of the military approving the teacher placement;
(b) A copy of a valid JROTC training certificate that includes an expiration date;
(c) Official transcripts of all credit and degrees earned in colleges or universities in the United States; and
(d) Verification that the applicant will be employed in a JROTC program in a Tennessee LEA.
(2) Individuals holding the JROTC license may only teach courses designated as part of the JROTC program and no additional endorsements may be added to the JROTC license.
(3) In order to renew the JROTC license, educators shall:
(a) Hold a valid JROTC training certificate; and
(b) Submit a recommendation to the Department from the LEA where the educator is employed.
(4) If the educator has not met the requirements for renewal at the end of the validity period of the JROTC license, then the license shall expire. Educators who fail to apply for renewal prior to the expiration of the license shall have a grace period until October 1 following the date of expiration to apply for renewal. Applications for renewal submitted during the grace period shall demonstrate that the educator completed all requirements for license renewal (except for submitting the application) prior to the end of the validity period.
(5) In order to reactivate the JROTC license, educators shall:
(a) Hold a valid JROTC training certificate; and
(b) Submit verification that the applicant will be employed in a JROTC program in a Tennessee LEA.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0520-02-03-.06

Repeal and new rules filed December 18, 2014; effective March 18, 2015. A stay of the rules was filed January 28, 2015; new effective date June 1, 2015. Emergency rules filed August 27, 2015; effective through February 23, 2016. Repeal and new rules filed October 27, 2015; effective January 25, 2016. Amendments filed October 16, 2017; effective January 14, 2018. Amendments filed August 16, 2019; effective November 14, 2019. Amendments filed March 25, 2024; effective 6/23/2024.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 49-1-302 and 49-5-108.