Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0520-02-03-.05

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) School services personnel licenses are available in the following areas:
(a) School speech-language pathologist;
(b) School speech-language pathology assistant;
(c) School audiologist;
(d) School psychologist;
(e) School counselor;
(f) School social worker; and
(g) School educational interpreter.
(2) School speech-language pathologists shall hold a school services personnel license with the school speech-language pathologist endorsement.
(a) Candidates seeking a practitioner school services personnel license as a school speech-language pathologist shall meet one (1) of the following requirements:
1. Submit qualifying scores on all required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy and hold an advanced degree in speech-language pathology from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with a speech-language program approved by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology; or
2. Hold an advanced degree in speech-language pathology and hold a full and valid out-of-state initial level speech-language pathology license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(b) Candidates seeking a professional school services personnel license as a school speech-language pathologist shall hold an advanced degree in speech-language pathology and meet one (1) of the following requirements:
1. Hold a full and valid out-of-state professional-level speech-language pathology license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement;
2. Hold a valid license issued by the Tennessee Board of Communication Disorders and Sciences;
3. Hold a valid license issued by an out-of-state Board of Communication Disorders and Sciences; or
4. Hold the Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association.
(3) School speech-language pathology assistants shall hold a school services personnel license with the school speech-language pathology assistant endorsement.
(a) Candidates seeking a practitioner school services personnel license as a school speech-language pathology assistant shall meet one (1) of the following requirements:
1. Hold a current Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Certification (SLPA-C) from the American Speech-Language & Hearing Association (ASHA);
2. Hold a bachelor's degree with a major or concentration in speech-language pathology, communication disorders, or speech and hearing sciences from a regionally accredited institution of higher education;
3. Hold a valid registration with the Tennessee Board of Communication Disorders and Sciences as a speech-language pathology assistant;
4. Hold a degree from a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Program; or
5. Hold a full and valid out-of-state initial level speech-language pathology assistant license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement and hold a bachelor's degree with a major or concentration in speech-language pathology, communication disorders, or speech and hearing sciences from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
(b) Out-of-state candidates seeking a professional school services personnel license as a school speech-language pathology assistant shall hold a bachelor's degree with a major or concentration in speech-language pathology, communication disorders, or speech and hearing sciences from a regionally accredited institution of higher education and hold a full and valid out-of-state professional-level speech-language pathology assistant license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(4) School audiologists shall hold a school services personnel license with the audiologist endorsement.
(a) Candidates seeking a practitioner school services personnel license as a school audiologist shall meet the requirements of one (1) of the following pathways:
1. Pathway 1: Submit qualifying scores on all required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy and meet one (1) of the following:
(i) Hold an advanced degree in audiology from a state or regionally accredited institution of higher education with a graduate level program approved by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology; or
(ii) Hold a valid audiology license issued by the Tennessee Board of Communication Disorders and Sciences or the licensing board of a state other than Tennessee;
2. Pathway 2: Hold an advanced degree in audiology and hold a full and valid out-of-state initial level school audiologist license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(b) Out-of-state candidates seeking a professional school services personnel license as a school audiologist shall hold an advanced degree in audiology and hold a full and valid out-of-state professional-level school audiologist license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(5) School psychologists shall hold a school services personnel license with the school psychologist endorsement.
(a) Candidates seeking a practitioner school services personnel license as a school psychologist shall meet the requirements of one (1) of the following pathways:
1. Pathway 1: Submit qualifying scores on all required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy and meet one (1) of the following:
(i) Complete a State Board-approved graduate level educator preparation program in school psychology or a graduate level educator preparation program in school psychology approved for licensure by a state other than Tennessee; or
(ii) Hold a valid certificate as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist issued by the National School Psychology Certification System;
2. Pathway 2: Hold an advanced degree in school psychology and hold a full and valid out-of-state initial level school psychologist license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(b) Out-of-state candidates seeking a professional school services personnel license as a school psychologist shall hold an advanced degree in school psychology and hold a full and valid out-of-state professional-level school psychologist license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(6) School counselors shall hold a school services personnel license with the school counselor endorsement.
(a) Candidates seeking a practitioner school services personnel licensure and endorsement as a school counselor shall meet the requirements of one (1) of the following pathways:
1. Pathway 1. The candidate:
(i) Holds an advanced degree in school counseling from a regionally accredited college or university;
(ii) Has completed a State Board-approved educator preparation program in school counseling;
(iii) Is recommended by the approved educator preparation provider; and
(iv) Submits qualifying scores on all required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy.
2. Pathway 2. The candidate:
(i) Holds a bachelor's degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university;
(ii) Is enrolled in a State Board-approved educator preparation program in school counseling with a job-embedded clinical practice;
(iii) Is recommended by the approved educator preparation provider; and
(iv) Submits qualifying scores on all required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy.
3. Pathway 3. The candidate:
(i) Holds an advanced degree in a counseling field;
(ii) Is enrolled in a State Board-approved educator preparation program in school counseling;
(iii) Has completed a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours of coursework in school counseling;
(iv) Is recommended by the approved educator preparation provider;
(v) Submits required supervision agreement between the LEA and approved educator preparation provider; and
(vi) Submits qualifying scores on all required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy.
4. Pathway 4. The out-of-state candidate:
(i) Holds an advanced degree in school counseling from a regionally accredited college or university;
(ii) Has completed an educator preparation program in school counseling approved by a state other than Tennessee as evidenced by a recommendation from the out-of-state educator preparation provider where the educator completed preparation; and
(iii) Submits qualifying scores on all required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy.
5. Pathway 5. The out-of-state candidate:
(i) Holds an advanced degree in school counseling from a regionally accredited college or university; and
(ii) Holds a full and valid out-of-state initial level school counselor license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(b) Out-of-state candidates seeking a professional school services personnel licensure and endorsement as a school counselor shall hold an advanced degree in school counseling and hold a full and valid out-of-state professional-level educator license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(c) School counselors who serve in a supervisory role shall have a professional school services personnel license with an endorsement in school counseling.
(7) School social workers shall hold a school services personnel license with the school social worker endorsement.
(a) Candidates seeking a practitioner school services personnel license as a school social worker shall meet the requirements of one (1) of the following pathways:
1. Pathway 1: Meet one (1) of the following sets of requirements:
(i) Complete a State Board-approved educator preparation program in school social work, or an educator preparation program in school social work approved for licensure by a state other than Tennessee, and be recommended by the approved educator preparation provider; or
(ii) Hold a full and valid social worker license issued by the Tennessee Board of Social Workers or the licensing board of a state other than Tennessee.
2. Pathway 2: Hold a bachelor's degree or higher in social work from a regionally accredited college or university and hold a full and valid out-of-state initial level school social work license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(b) Out-of-state candidates seeking a professional school services personnel licensure and endorsement as a school social worker shall hold a bachelor's degree or higher in social work and hold a full and valid out-of-state professional-level license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(8) School educational interpreters shall hold a school services personnel license with the educational interpreter endorsement.
(a) Candidates seeking a practitioner school services personnel license as an educational interpreter shall meet the following requirements:
1. Hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university; and
2. Meet one (1) of the following:
(i) Hold a current, nationally recognized certification in interpreting which includes a written examination related to ethics and practice;
(ii) Submit qualifying scores on all required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy; or
(iii) Holds a full and valid out-of-state initial level educational interpreter license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(b) Out-of-state candidates seeking a professional school services personnel license and endorsement as an educational interpreter shall hold a bachelor's degree or higher in educational interpreting and hold a full and valid out-of-state professional-level educational interpreter license from a state that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(9) A practitioner school services personnel license may be renewed once upon completion of an approved educator preparation program, if enrollment in a program is required for issuance of the license, and submission of qualifying scores on all State Board-required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105, prior to the end of the validity period of the first (1st) issuance of the practitioner license.
(10) In order to advance from a practitioner school services personnel license to a professional school services personnel license, an educator shall meet one (1) of the following sets of requirements:
(a) Option 1:
1. Where applicable, complete a State Board-approved educator preparation program and submit qualifying scores on all State Board-required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy prior to the end of the validity period of the first (1st) issuance of the practitioner license;
2. Obtain three (3) years of qualifying experience as defined by the Department; and
3. Earn thirty (30) qualifying professional development points as defined in Educator Licensure Policy 5.502 or obtain the recommendation from a Director of Schools or leader of a charter school or the school's charter management organization (CMO).
(b) Option 2: Hold a full and valid professional-level school services personnel license from a state other than Tennessee that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement.
(11) If the requirements for licensure advancement are not met prior to the end of the validity period of the second (2nd) issuance of the practitioner license, then the license may be renewed. To renew the practitioner school services personnel second (2nd) issuance license, an educator shall earn thirty (30) qualifying professional development points as defined in Educator Licensure Policy 5.502.
(12) In order to renew the professional school services personnel license, educators must earn sixty (60) qualifying professional development points within the validity period of the license and as defined in the Educator Licensure Policy 5.502 or demonstrate two (2) years of qualifying experience as an educator as defined by the Department within the validity period of the license.
(13) If the educator has not met the requirements for renewal at the end of the validity period of the professional school services personnel license, then the license shall expire. Educators who fail to apply for renewal prior to the expiration of the license shall have a grace period until October 1 following the date of expiration to apply for renewal. Applications for renewal submitted during the grace period shall demonstrate that the educator completed all requirements for license renewal (except for submitting the application) prior to the end of the validity period.
(14) Educators may reactivate a school services personnel license and endorsements held by meeting one (1) of the following sets of requirements:
(a) Option A (Professional License only): Earning sixty (60) qualifying professional development points as defined in the Educator Licensure Policy 5.502.
(b) Option B (Professional License only): Demonstrating two (2) years of qualifying experience as an educator as defined by the Department.
(c) Option C: Submit to the Department evidence of completion of an approved educator preparation program (if not already provided and if enrollment in a program is required for issuance of the license) and submit qualifying scores on all State Board-required assessments as defined in the Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105.
(d) Option D: Present a full and valid professional-level school services personnel license from a state other than Tennessee that is a partner in the NASDTEC interstate agreement; or
(e) Option E: Submit evidence of an active national credential in the area of endorsement as outlined below:
1. Speech-language Pathologists - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-language Pathology (CCC-SLP) issued by the American Speech-language Hearing Association
2. Audiologist - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology (CCC-A) issued by the American Speech-language Hearing Association
3. School Psychologist - National Certification in School Psychology issued by the National School Psychology Certification Board
4. School Counselor - National Counselor Certification (NCC, CCMHC, MAS, or NCSC) issued by the National Board for Certified Counselors
5. School Social Worker - Certified School Social Work Specialist (C-SSWS) issued by the National Association of Social Workers or Certification by the Academy of Certified Social Workers (NASW)
6. Educational Interpreter - Professional Deaf Interpreter Credential issued by the National Association for the Deaf or Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Certification.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0520-02-03-.05

Repeal and new rules filed December 18, 2014; effective March 18, 2015. A stay of the rules was filed January 28, 2015; new effective date June 1, 2015. Emergency rules filed August 27, 2015; effective through February 23, 2016. Repeal and new rules filed October 27, 2015; effective January 25, 2016. Amendments filed August 16, 2019; effective November 14, 2019. Emergency rules filed July 9, 2021; effective through January 5, 2022. Emergency rules expired effective January 6, 2022, and the rules reverted to their previous statuses. Amendments filed December 2, 2021; effective March 2, 2022. Amendments filed July 20, 2022; effective October 18, 2022. Amendments filed April 24, 2023; effective July 23, 2023. Amendments filed March 25, 2024; effective 6/23/2024.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 49-1-302, 49-5-108, and 49-5-5603.