250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-50-00-1.17

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-50-00-1.17 - General Rules and Regulations
A. No person shall commit any disorderly or indecent act within the limits of the Ports.
B. No person shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of any enforcement officer or any other authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Management.
C. No person shall distribute or exhibit in the Port any printed or written material of a commercial nature without written permission of the Division. If official permission is granted, the distributor or exhibitioner shall be responsible for removal of all litter which may result from such distribution. If the distributor or exhibitioner fails to comply with the removal of all litter, then the litter will be removed by the DEM or their agents at the distributor's or exhibitioner's expense.
D. No person shall offer for sale in the Port any goods or services of a commercial nature without written permission of the Division.
E. No person shall park or otherwise store any trailers on property owned or leased by the Division within the limits of the Port of Galilee or State pier #9, Port of Newport, without prior written permission by the Division.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-50-00-1.17

Amended effective 1/1/2021
Amended effective 6/8/2021
Amended effective 7/29/2021