Current through December 26, 2024
Section 216-RICR-50-05-2.2 - DefinitionsA. Wherever used in these rules and regulations the following terms shall be defined as follows: 1. "Act" means R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 23-1-5.2 and 23-1-5.3.2. "Action level" means detection of a constituent in drinking water which concentration equals or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the HA, MCL, or SMCL (as defined below) and indicates need for further action such as increased monitoring. 3. "Certified laboratory" means an analytical laboratory licensed by the Department under R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-16.2, to perform biological, microbiological, chemical or radiochemical examination of potable water; or laboratory exempt from this law as provided for in R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-16.2-3 but which shall be certified by the State Certification official in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 142.10b. 4. "Commercial/mixed use private water supply system" means a private supply system that serves a structure(s) consisting of one or more commercial spaces and/or more than four (4) family dwelling units that has been occupied as a dwelling and is under control of a single entity(s).5. "Constituent" means a chemical or elemental component found in private well water.6. "Department" means the Rhode Island Department of Health.7. "Director" means the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health. 8. "End-user" means that person or persons using the water for consumption or other purposes requiring potable water.9. "Exceedance" means a concentration of a constituent that is greater than a standard or recommended upper limit (e.g., MCL) for that constituent.10. "First draw" means a one-liter sample of tap water, collected from a cold-water source. Water for each sample shall have stood motionless in the plumbing system for at least six (6) hours and shall be collected without flushing the tap.11. "Global positioning system location" or "GPS location" means specific geographic locations as determined by satellite signals. GPS locations shall be reported in the appropriate coordinate system (RI State Plane Feet) or in Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees.12. "Health advisory level" or "HA" means that level recognized by the state for which corrective action should be performed.13. "Individual private water supply system" means a system that supplies a single or duplex residential unit.14. "Interpreter" means an individual who has the education/experience necessary to interpret results of water quality analyses and is licensed to do so by the State of Rhode Island.15. "Maximum contaminant level" or "MCL" means the maximum level allowable for a specific drinking water constituent.16. "Multi-family residential systems" means systems that supply three (3) or more units.17. "Non-potable" means a determination made through analysis that constituents that pose a health risk are present in levels exceeding existing standards.18. "Notification" means the formal communication between the Department and the local public water supply agency and chief executive officer of the community if a private well shows contamination that threatens the local public water supply.19. "Parameter", as used herein, includes, but is not limited to, a constituent, contaminant, substance, organic chemical, metal, analyte, attribute, or other measurable physical property that can be analyzed for in drinking water.20. "Person" means an individual, partnership, association, corporation, or any other legal entity or group of individuals who has/have decision-making responsibilities for one (1) or more end-users.21. "pH" means a measurement of the acidity (hydrogen ion concentration) in water. Measurement ranges from 0 (acidic) - 14 (basic) with 7 being neutral.22. "Point-of-entry treatment" means water treatment that serves the entire house by treating water and reducing contaminants as it enters the structure.23. "Point-of-use treatment" means water treatment that serves only a single tap and reduces contaminants at the discharge point only.24. "Potable" means fit or suitable to drink.25. "Potability" means the determination that water is potable and is safe for consumption.26. "Private-drinking-water system" means a system that extracts groundwater from a well or well field (wells on one (1) or more properties), provides potable water for human consumption, and does not meet the requirements to be classified as a public water system. These systems also include commercial - mixed use, multi-family residential, single/duplex residential, and individual private systems.27. "Private well" means a water well that can serve as a private drinking water system.28. "Private well field" means a collection of private wells that serve a private drinking water system.29. "Private well water testing report form" means a standardized form for the reporting of certified laboratory results to be disseminated to the well owner or client to determine if the water is potable.30. "Public notification" means a general notice relayed by the appropriate agency reporting well test detections of constituents (that could increase health risks to adjoining neighboring real estate owners) and recommending cautionary testing for parameters of concern.31. "Public water system" means a system for the provision to the public of water for human consumption through pipes or constructed conveyances; if such a system has at least fifteen (15) service connections or regularly serves at least twenty-five (25) individuals daily at least sixty (60) days out of the year.32. "Recommended limit" means the optimal range of upper and/or lower limits for various constituents, such as pH, Iron, or Manganese.33. "Residence" means the location where a person is a domestic end-user of the water prior to entering the wastewater flow system.34. "Residential building" means a structure consisting of one (1) or more residences that has an existing certificate of occupancy, but shall not include any structure newly constructed that is awaiting a certificate of occupancy.35. "Sampler" means an individual who has education/experience necessary to acquire drinking water samples for laboratory analysis by following appropriate methods that may be found in New England States' Common Sample Collection && Preservation Manual for Drinking Water. 36. "Secondary maximum contamination level" or "SMCL" means the acceptable level allowable for aesthetic purposes.37. "Service connection" means the point in a water distribution system where water is diverted from a communal flow line to a specific end user or residential unit. Service connections may or may not be metered.38. "Shared well" means a common well or well field that provides drinking water to more than one (1) residential unit, commercial enterprise, or any combination thereof.39. "Single/duplex residential rental system" means a private system that serves a single or duplex residential rental property.40. "Standard" means a water quality standard as defined herein.41. "Transfer" means a change in property title resulting in a change in the end consumers of the water. It does not include foreclosures or modification of property titles as a result of divorce or other situation where the same parties will continue to have use of the water for consumption.42. "Water quality standard or drinking water standard" means a standard that applies to a constituent required for testing pursuant to these rules and regulations. 43. "Wastewater flow system" means the system of collection, treatment, and discharge of water post end-user. 44. "Water well" means any hole or excavation that is constructed for the purpose of removal of water using standards set forth in R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 46-13.2.45. "Water-well permit" means written approval given by the local building official to permit the construction of a drinking water well at a given location for testing as a potable source of water, to replace an existing source, or prior to issuing a building permit for new construction.46. "Well record" means the required submission of detailed information on the construction and hydro-geologic settings and properties of a new or improved well to the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM), in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 46-13.2.216 R.I. Code R. 216-RICR-50-05-2.2