Ohio Admin. Code 3335-23-13
Because the most accurate and fair review of the facts can best be accomplished when all parties are present, the respondent and invited witnesses are strongly encouraged to attend and participate. If an individual does not choose to attend a hearing, the charges will be reviewed as scheduled based on the available information , and a decision will be made. Although no inference may be drawn against a student for failing to attend a hearing or remaining silent, the hearing will proceed and the conclusion will be based on the evidence presented. No decision shall be based solely on the respondent's failure to attend the hearing or answer the charges. In special circumstances, written statements may be considered by the hearing body when a respondent or witness does not attend or fully participate in a hearing.
Ohio Admin. Code 3335-23-13
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 03/13/1978, 11/10/1979, 11/01/1982, 03/07/1987, 04/09/2001, 06/23/2016, 11/11/2020