Although the procedural requirements are not as formal as those existing in criminal or civil courts of law, to ensure fairness, the following procedures will apply and, unless already provided to the student, be included within the hearing notice:
Attendance at hearings is limited to those directly involved or those requested by the hearing body to attend. The hearing body will take reasonable measures to assure an orderly hearing, including removal of persons who impede or disrupt proceedings.
Except as expressly provided by this code of student conduct, the university may set deadlines related to the investigation and hearing process. Absent extraordinary circumstances, respondents must submit all witness names and evidence for submission at least two business days prior to a scheduled hearing.
The respondent may choose to bring an advisor for support throughout the disciplinary process. The advisor (i.e., support person) may be any person other than a witness. The advisor may only counsel the student and may not actively participate in the disciplinary process, unless the hearing body determines that clarification is needed .
A student will only be found in violation if a preponderance of evidence supports the charges.
A student will not be found in violation unless a majority of the hearing body finds the student in violation. In the event of a tie, the hearing body will continue to deliberate. If after the hearing body determines that exhaustive deliberations have occurred and a majority decision is not reached, the student will be found not in violation.
Ohio Admin. Code 3335-23-12
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 03/13/1978, 11/10/1979, 12/05/1981, 11/01/1982, 03/07/1987, 04/29/1989, 04/09/2001, 08/11/2003, 01/11/2008, 06/01/2012, 06/23/2016, 03/08/2017, 11/11/2020