Ohio Admin. Code 3335-23-04
Any student found to have engaged, or attempted to engage, in any of the following conduct while within the university's jurisdiction, as set forth in rule 3335-23-02 of the Administrative Code, will be subject to disciplinary action by the university. For the purposes of this rule, attempt shall be defined as conduct that, if successful, would constitute or result in the prohibited conduct.
Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the university or subvert the educational process. Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:
Actual or threatened damage to or destruction of university property or property of others, whether done intentionally or with reckless disregard.
Storage, or possession of dangerous weapons, devices, or substances including, but not limited to, firearms, ammunition, or fireworks, unless authorized by an appropriate university official or permitted by a university policy, even if otherwise permitted by law. Use or misuse of weapons, devices, or substances in a manner that causes or threatens serious harm to the safety or security of others. As required by section 2923.1210 of the Revised Code, this rule does not prohibit a student who has been issued a valid concealed handgun license from transporting or storing a firearm or ammunition when both of the following conditions are met:
Dishonest conduct, including, but not limited to, knowingly reporting a false emergency; knowingly making false accusation of misconduct; misuse or falsification of university or related documents by actions such as forgery, alteration, or improper transfer; possession, use or manufacturing of a false identification document; submission of information known by the submitter to be false to a university official.
Theft or the unauthorized use or possession of university property, services, resources, or the property of others.
Failure to comply with legitimate directives of authorized university officials, law enforcement or emergency personnel, identified as such, in the performance of their duties, including failure to identify oneself when so requested; or violation of the terms of a disciplinary sanction.
Use, being under the influence of, production, distribution, sale, or possession of drugs, and/or drug paraphernalia in a manner prohibited under law or applicable university policy or university facility policy, such as within the Ohio stadium and the Schottenstein center. This includes, but is not limited to, the misuse of prescription drugs.
Use, underage intoxication, production, distribution, sale, or possession of alcohol in a manner prohibited under law or applicable university policy or university facility policy, such as within the Ohio stadium and the Schottenstein center.
Unauthorized entrance to or presence in or on university premises.
Disorderly or disruptive conduct that unreasonably interferes with university activities or with the legitimate activities of any member of the university community.
Doing, requiring, or encouraging any act, whether or not the act is voluntarily agreed upon, tied to initiation, continued membership, or participation in any group, that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm or humiliation. Such acts may include, but are not limited to, using alcohol, creating excessive fatigue, and paddling, punching, or kicking in any form. Failure to intervene, prevent, or report acts of hazing may constitute a violation of this rule.
Abuse of any university student conduct system, including but not limited to:
Violation of other published university rules, policies, standards, and/or guidelines, including, but not limited to, those which prohibit the misuse of computing resources, rules for student groups or organizations, and residence hall rules and regulations. Students may be held accountable under the procedures described in other published rules, policies, standards and guidelines and under the provisions of this code of student conduct regardless of whether action is undertaken under this code of student conduct. Students are responsible for reviewing and understanding the rules, standards and guidelines provided to them by their academic programs and colleges. Applicable policies are found at https://policies.osu.edu.
Conviction or acceptance of responsibility - including a judicial finding of guilt, pleas of no contest or "no-lo contendere" - for state, local or federal crimes when the underlying behavior has a substantial connection or relationship to the university's property, programs or could reasonably impact the health, safety, or security of members of the university community.
Using electronic or other means to make or distribute a video, audio, or photographic record of any person in a location where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy without the person's prior knowledge, when such a recording is likely to cause injury, distress, or damage to reputation. This includes, but is not limited to, taking video, audio, or photographic records in shower/locker rooms, residence hall rooms, and restrooms. The storing, sharing, and/or distributing of such unauthorized records by any means is also prohibited.
Urination or defecation in a place such as a sidewalk, street, park, alley or yard, residence hall space, or on any other place or physical property that is not intended for use as a restroom.
Any intentional adverse action against any individual who makes an allegation, files a report, serves as a witness, assists a complainant or respondent, or participates in any university investigation or proceeding.
Intentional physical harm or threats of harm to animals, including but not limited to companion animals, service animals, or emotional support animals.
Lawful hunting and fishing is not prohibited by this code of student conduct. The care and use of animals involved in research activities is governed by the office of responsible research practices institutional animal care and use committee and not this code.
Ohio Admin. Code 3335-23-04
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 03/13/1978, 11/10/1979, 12/05/1981, 11/01/1982, 03/07/1987, 04/29/1989, 04/09/2001, 08/11/2003, 08/14/2006, 01/11/2008, 06/01/2012, 06/23/2016, 03/08/2017, 11/11/2020