Section 3335-23-03 - DefinitionsAs used in the code of student conduct:
(A) "University premises" includes all lands, buildings, facilities, and resources owned, leased, managed, or operated by the university.(B) "Student" includes an individual to whom an offer of admission has been extended, paid an acceptance fee, registered for classes, or otherwise entered into another agreement with the university to take instruction. (1) Student status lasts until an individual graduates, is permanently dismissed, or is not in attendance for two complete, consecutive terms. Student status also lasts while they have a continuing educational relationship with the university.(2) "Student" also includes registered student organizations. A student organization remains a student" for purposes of this code of student conduct for one calendar year following the expiration of the organization's most recent registration.(3) This code of student conduct also applies within the discretion of an appropriate university official to former students for violations committed while a student.(C) "Members of the university community" includes, but are not limited to, students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the campus.(D) "Complaint" includes information alleging a code of student conduct violation or other published rule, policy, standard, or guideline applicable to students , provided to the university, per paragraph (A) of rule 3335-23-05 of the Administrative Code.(E) "Academic activities" includes any assignment, quiz, examination, candidacy examinations, laboratory, paper, report, field or placement work, submission, reading, seminar, presentation, or other educational activity that is required for a course or degree program.(F) "Calendar days" refers to all seven days of the week without regard to whether classes are in session or university offices are open or closed.(G) "Business days" include any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or days when university offices are closed as scheduled according to the university's academic calendar found at Admin. Code 3335-23-03
Effective: 1/25/2024
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 04/09/2001, 01/11/2008, 06/01/2012, 06/23/2016, 03/08/2017, 11/11/2020