N.D. Admin. Code 69-09-12-01

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 69-09-12-01 - Definitions
1. "Resource plan" means a set of resource options an electric public utility plans to use to meet the electric capacity and energy requirements of the utility's customers over a planning horizon, including an explanation of the electric supply and demand circumstances when each resource option would be used to meet the capacity and energy needs in an adequate and reliable manner.
2. "Externality" means numerical costs or quantified values assigned to represent environmental costs that are not internalized in the cost of production, or the market price of electricity from a particular electric resource or the alleged costs of complying with future environmental laws or regulations that have not yet been enacted.
3. "Renewable integration cost" means the cost of measures to help meet the incremental needs of the system as more renewable energy is added to the resource mix.
4. "Unserved energy" means the amount of end-customer demand measured in megawatt-hours that cannot be supplied due to a deficiency of generation either generated or imported by the electric public utility or transmission capacity.
5. "Security" means physical security and cybersecurity.

N.D. Admin Code 69-09-12-01

Adopted by Administrative Rules Supplement 2022-387, January 2023, effective 1/1/2023.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2024-392, April 2024, effective 4/1/2024.

General Authority: NDCC 49-02-04

Law Implemented: NDCC 49-05-04.4, 49-05-17