N.M. Admin. Code § 8.310.2.14

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025

All MAD services are subject to UR for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, after services are furnished and before payment is made, or after payment is made. The provider must contact HSD or its authorized agents to request UR instructions. It is the provider's responsibility to access these instructions or ask for hard copies to be provided, to understand the information provided, to comply with the requirements, and to obtain answers to questions not covered by these materials. When services are billed to and paid by a coordinated services contractor authorized by HSD, the provider must follow that contractor's instructions for authorization of services.

A.Prior authorization: Procedures or services may require a prior authorization from MAD or its designee. Services for which a prior authorization was obtained remain subject to UR at any point in the payment process, including after payment has been made. It is the provider's responsibility to contact MAD or its designee and review documents and instructions available from MAD or its designee to determine when a prior authorization is necessary.
(1) Dental services: MAD covers certain services, including some diagnostic, preventive, restorative, endodontic, periodontic, removable prosthodontics, maxillofacial prosthetic, oral surgery, and orthodontic services only when a prior authorization is received from MAD or its designee. MAD covers medically necessary orthodontic services to treat handicapping malocclusions for a MAP eligible recipient under 21 years of age by prior authorization.
(2) Transplantation services: A written prior authorization must be obtained for any transplant, with the exception of a cornea and a kidney. The prior authorization process must be started by the MAP eligible recipient's attending PCP contacting the MAD UR contractor. Services for which prior approval was obtained remain subject to UR at any point in the payment process.
(3) Pregnancy termination services: Services to terminate a pregnancy do not require a prior authorization from MAD or its designee.
(4) Eligibility determination: The prior authorization of a service does not guarantee that an individual is eligible for MAD or other health care programs. A provider must verify that an individual is eligible for a specific program at the time services are furnished and must determine if a MAP eligible recipient has other health insurance.
(5) Reconsideration: A provider who disagrees with a prior authorization -request denial or another review decision can request reconsideration; see 8.350.2 NMAC.
B.Prior authorization and UR: MAD has developed an UR process to regulate provider compliance with MAD quality control and cost containment objectives. See 42 CFR Section 456 . Specific details pertinent to a service or a provider are contained in NMAC rules or UR instructions for that specific service or provider type. MAD makes available on the HSD/MAD website, on other program-specific websites, or in hard copy format, information necessary to participate in health care programs administered by HSD or its authorized agents, including program rules, billing instruction, UR instructions, and other pertinent materials. When enrolled, a provider receives instruction on how to access these documents. It is the provider's responsibility to access these instructions, to understand the information provided and to comply with the requirements. The provider must contact HSD or its authorized agents to obtain answers to questions related to the material or not covered by the material. To be eligible for reimbursement, a provider must adhere to the provisions of his or her MAD provider participation agreement (PPA) and all applicable statutes, regulations, rules, and executive orders. MAD or its selected claims processing contractor issues payments to a provider using electronic funds transfer (EFT) only. A provider must supply necessary information in order for payment to be made.
C.Medical necessity requirements: MAD reimburses a provider for furnishing MAD covered service to a MAP eligible recipient only when the service is medically necessary. Medical necessity is required for the specific service, level of care (LOC), and service setting, if relevant to the service. A provider must verify that MAD covers a specific service and that the service is medically necessary prior to furnishing the service. Medical necessity determinations are made by professional peers based on established criteria, appropriate to the service that are reviewed and approved by MAD. MAD denies payment for services that are not medically necessary and for services that are not covered by MAD. The process for determining medical necessity is called UR. The UR of a MAD service may be performed directly by MAD or its designee, or another state agency designated by MAD.
D.Timing of UR:
(1) A UR may be performed at any time during the service, payment, or post payment processes. In signing the MAD PPA, a provider agrees to cooperate fully with MAD or its designee in their performance of any review and agree to comply with all review requirements. The following are examples of the reviews that may be performed:
(a) prior authorization review (review occurs before the service is furnished);
(b) concurrent review (review occurs while service is being furnished);
(c) pre-payment review (claims review occurring after service is furnished but before payment);
(d) retrospective review (review occurs after payment is made); and
(e) one or more reviews may be used by MAD to assess the medical necessity and program compliance of any service.
(2) Prior authorization reviews: A claim for a service that requires a prior authorization are paid only if the prior authorization was obtained and approved by MAD or MAD's UR contractor, prior to services being furnished. A prior authorization specifies the approved number of service units that a provider is authorized to furnish to a MAP eligible recipient and the date the service must be provided.
(a) A prior authorization does not guarantee that an individual is eligible for a specific MAD service. A provider must verify that individuals are eligible for a specific MAD service at the time the service is furnished.
(b) Information on the specific service or procedure that requires a prior authorization for a specific provider type are contained in the applicable MAD rules and the UR instructions for that provider type or service.
(c) A service that has been approved by MAD or its designee does not prevent a later denial of payment if the service has been determined to be not medically necessary or if the individual was not eligible for the service.
(d) A prior authorization review is used to authorize service for a MAP eligible recipient before a service is furnished. A request for a retroactive prior authorization may be approved only under the following circumstances:
(i) approval is made as part of the process of determining MAD eligibility for certain categories, such as a MAD institutional care or home and community-based services waiver (HCBSW) programs. In these situations, the determination of medical necessity for an institutional LOC of the service is a factor in establishing MAD eligibility and may be made after the MAP eligible recipient receives NF or HCBSW services;
(ii) the service is furnished before the determination of the effective date of the recipient's MAP eligibility for a MAD service or the servicing provider's MAD PPA; a retrospective request for a prior authorization is based on retrospective recipient or provider eligibility must be received in writing by MAD or its designee within 30 calendar days of the date of the eligibility determination;
(iii) in cases of medical emergency; a medical emergency is defined as a medical condition, manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity that the absence of immediate medical attention could be reasonably expected to result in one of the following: an individual's death; placement of an individual's health in serious jeopardy; serious impairment of bodily functions; or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part;
(iv) a service that is furnished to a medicare recipient who is also eligible for a MAD service and medicare has denied payment for a reason that is not based on medical necessity; requests for a retroactive prior authorization must be accompanied by a copy of the document from medicare that denied payment and states the reason for denial; a service denied payment by medicare because of lack of medical necessity is not covered by MAD.
(3) Concurrent review: A concurrent review is conducted while the service is being furnished. A continued stay or continued service review is concurrent review for medical necessity.
(4) Prepayment review: A prepayment review is conducted after a service has been furnished and a claim for payment has been filed by the provider. If a service is not a covered MAD benefit or not medically necessary, payment for that service will be denied.
(5) Retrospective review: A retrospective review is conducted after the claim has been processed and payment is made. Information from the paid claim is compared with the provider records detailing the service and medical necessity.
(a) If MAD determines the service specified on the claim was not performed or, was not a covered benefit or was not medically necessary, the MAD payment is recouped.
(b) Retrospective review involves the review of a specific portion or the entire record of service. Depending on the service, validation of either or both the diagnosis or procedure, validation of diagnostic related groups (DRGs), and quality of care are examples of indicators or issues which may be reviewed.
(c) A retrospective review may be conducted by MAD or its designee on a random or selective basis. In addition to reviews performed by a MAD staff or its designee, MAD analyzes statistical data to determine utilization patterns. Specific areas of overutilization may be identified that result in recoupment or repayment from either or both a provider or the assignment of a MAP eligible recipient to a MAD medical management designated provider.
(d) A selective or scheduled review is conducted to focus on the overutilization and underutilization of a specific service or provider. The service or procedure selected for this focused retrospective review is identified by MAD as potential or actual problems.
E.Denial of payment: If a service or procedure is not medically necessary or not a covered MAD service, MAD may deny a provider's claim for payment. If MAD determines that a service is not medically necessary before the claim payment, the claim is denied. If this determination is made after payment, the payment amount is subject to recoupment or repayment.
F.Review of decisions: A provider who disagrees with a prior authorization request denial or another review decision may request reconsideration from MAD or the MAD designee that performed the initial review and issued the initial decision; see 8.350.2 NMAC. A provider who is not satisfied with the reconsideration determination may request a HSD provider administrative hearing; see 8.352.3 NMAC.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.310.2.14

8.310.2.14 NMAC - Rp, 8.310.2.15 NMAC, 1-1-14