N.M. Admin. Code § 8.310.2.13

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section 8.310.2.13 - GENERAL NONCOVERED SERVICES A. General noncovered services
A.General noncovered services: MAD does not cover certain procedures, services, or miscellaneous items. See specific provider or service rules or sections of this rule for additional information on service coverage and limitations. A provider cannot turn an account over to collections or to any other factor intending to collect from the MAP eligible recipient or his or her authorized representative; see 8.302.2 NMAC. A provider cannot bill a MAP eligible recipient or his or her authorized representative for the copying of the MAP eligible recipient's records, and must provide copies of the MAP eligible recipient's records to other providers upon request of the MAP eligible recipient.
B.Appointment, interest and carrying charges: MAD does not cover penalties on payments for broken or missed appointments, costs of waiting time, or interest or carrying charges on accounts. A provider may not bill a MAP eligible recipient or his or her authorized representative for these charges or the penalties associated with missed or broken appointments or failure to produce eligibility cards, with the exception of MAP recipient eligibility categories of CHIP or WDI who may be charged up to $5 for a missed appointment.
C.Contract services: Services furnished by a contractor, an organization, or an individual who is not the billing provider must meet specific criteria for coverage as stated in MAD or its designee's NMAC rules, billing instructions, policy manuals; see 8.302.2 NMAC.
D.Cosmetic services and surgeries: MAD does not cover cosmetic items or services that are prescribed or used for aesthetic purposes. This includes items for aging skin, for hair loss, and personal care items such as non-prescription lotions, shampoos, soaps or sunscreens. MAD does not cover cosmetic surgeries performed for aesthetic purposes. "Cosmetic surgery" is defined as a procedure performed to improve the appearance of physical features that may or may not improve the functional ability of the area of concern. MAD covers only a surgery that meets specific criteria and is approved as medically necessary reconstructive surgery.
E.Postmortem examinations: MAD does not cover postmortem examinations.
F.Education or vocational services: MAD does not cover literature, booklets, and other educational materials. Dietary counseling is covered only for a MAP eligible recipient under 21 years of age, as part of the EPSDT program and for a pregnant MAP eligible recipient. MAD does not cover formal educational or vocational training services, unless those services are included as active treatment services for a MAP eligible recipient in intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF-IID)or for a MAP eligible recipient under 21 years of age receiving inpatient psychiatric services. "Formal educational services" relate to training in traditional academic subjects. Vocational training services relate to organized programs directly related to the preparation of a MAP eligible recipient for paid or unpaid employment.
G.Hair or nail analysis: MAD does not cover hair or nail analysis.
H.Preparations dispensed for home use: MAD does not cover oral, topical, otic, or ophthalmic preparations dispensed to a MAP eligible recipient by a PCP, a CNP, a P.A., or an optometrist for home use or self administration unless authorized by MAD to assure the availability of medications.
I.Routine physical examinations: MAD only covers a routine physical examination for:
(1) a MAP eligible recipient residing in a NF or an ICF-IID facility.
(2) a MAP eligible recipient under 21 years of age through the tot to teen health check screen, New Mexico's EPSDT screening program. Included in the coverage is the physical examinations, screenings and treatment.
J.Screening services: MAD does not cover screening services that are not used to make a diagnosis, such as chromosome screening, hypertension screening, diabetic screening, general health panels, executive profiles, paternity testing, or premarital screens. MAD covers screening services for a MAP eligible recipient under 21 years of age through the tot to teen healthcheck program. MAD covers screening services ordered by a provider for cancer detection such as pap smears and mammograms for a MAP eligible recipient when medically appropriate.
K.Services not covered by medicare: MAD does not cover services, procedures, or devices that are not covered by medicare due to their determination that the service is not medically necessary or that the service is experimental or not effective.
L.Bariatric surgery services: Bariatric surgery services are covered only when medically indicated and alternatives are not successful.
M.Services and tests which are not routinely warranted due to the MAP eligible recipient's age: MAD does not reimburse for routine screening, tests, or services which are not medically necessary due to the age of the MAP eligible recipient:
(1) Papanicolaou test (pap smear) for women under 21 years of age unless prior history or risk factors make the test medically warranted; and
(2) prostate specific antigen (PSA) test for men under age 40 unless prior history or risk factors make the test medically warranted.
N.Services for surrogate mothers: MAD does not pay for services for pregnancy, complications encountered during pregnancy related conditions, prenatal care and postpartum care, or delivery for services to a surrogate mother for which an agreement or contract between the surrogate mother and another party exists.

N.M. Admin. Code § 8.310.2.13

8.310.2.13 NMAC - Rp, 8.310.2.14 NMAC, 1-1-14, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 15, August 10, 2021, eff. 8/10/2021, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 07, April 5, 2022, eff. 4/5/2022