N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. The agreement specifies the means by which the state will provide equal opportunities to all public high school students who wish to participate in the dual credit program.
B. LEAs and postsecondary institutions providing dual credit programs shall complete the agreement and the LEA shall submit the completed agreement to the public education department.
C. A completed agreement shall contain signatures from all parties and includes an appendix developed collaboratively by the LEA and postsecondary institution that specifies eligible dual credit courses.
D. LEAs may complete agreements with multiple postsecondary institutions.
E. A fully executed copy of each agreement shall be submitted by the LEA to the public education department within 10 days of approval.
F. The agreement:
(1) specifies eligible courses, academic quality of dual credit courses, student eligibility, course approval, course requirements, required content of the form, state reporting, liabilities of parties, and student appeals; and
(2) states the roles, responsibilities, and liabilities of the LEA, the postsecondary institution, student, and the student's family.
G. Duties and responsibilities of the postsecondary institution. The postsecondary institution shall:
(1) designate a representative to review and sign the completed form with the understanding that only forms endorsed by all parties shall constitute a dual credit approval request;
(2) determine, in collaboration with the LEA, the required academic standing of each student eligible to participate in the dual credit program;
(3) collaborate with the LEA to reach agreement on admission and registration of eligible dual credit students for the stated semester;
(4) employ a method of qualifying the student for dual credit that demonstrates that the student has the appropriate skills and maturity to benefit from the instruction requested;
(5) provide advisement to review the appropriateness of each student's enrollment in a course prior to registration in terms of academic readiness, age requirements, and programmatic issues;
(6) provide the form to eligible students and appropriate LEA staff online and in hard copy;
(7) approve the form for each student on a course-by-course basis each semester based on each student's prior coursework, career pathway, or academic readiness;
(8) provide a copy of each approved form to the appropriate LEA representative;
(9) provide course placement evaluation and consider a high school college readiness assessment to verify a student's academic skill level and to ensure compliance with course prerequisites;
(10) provide information and orientation, in collaboration with the LEA to the student and parent or guardian regarding the responsibilities of dual credit enrollment including academic rigor, time commitments, and behavioral expectations associated with taking college courses and the importance of satisfactorily completing the postsecondary institution credits attempted in order for dual credit to be awarded;
(11) inform students of course requirement information which includes course content, grading policy, attendance requirements, course completion requirements, performance standards, and other related course information;
(12) advise the parent or guardian of FERPA rules;
(13) waive all general fees for dual credit courses;
(14) waive tuition for high school students taking dual credit courses;
(15) make every effort to adopt textbooks for at least three years;
(16) provide the LEA within the first thirty days of the academic term, access to each student's official schedule of classes as verification of registration; the LEA shall notify the postsecondary institution if the report is in conflict with the school endorsed registration;
(17) track progress of dual credit enrolled students on the issue of academic performance and provide reports, as needed, to the LEA;
(18) retain the official transcript or grade report of the dual credit student that records the term of enrollment, courses/credits attempted, courses/credits completed, grades and grade point average earned;
(19) release, at the request of the student, official postsecondary institution transcripts in accordance with the postsecondary institution's transcript request practices;
(20) provide final grades to the LEA for each dual credit student;
(21) deliver final grades for all dual credit students to the LEA with sufficient time to be included with final grades; this schedule shall be defined by the parties in the agreement and shall address the time frame appropriate for determining student graduation from high school;
(22) comply with data collection and reporting provisions in NMAC;
(23) approve faculty for all dual credit courses;
(24) retain educational records in accordance with New Mexico statutes and record retention regulations as per 1.20.3 NMAC;
(25) have a student appeals process pertaining to student enrollment in dual credit programs (postsecondary institution decisions are final); and
(26) have the right to appeal to the dual credit council on issues related to implementing the dual credit program, agreement, and rules.
H. Duties and responsibilities of the LEA. The LEA shall:
(1) designate a representative to collaborate with the postsecondary institution to reach agreement on admission and registration of eligible dual credit students for the stated semester;
(2) determine, in collaboration with the postsecondary institution, the required academic standing of each student eligible to participate in the dual credit program;
(3) collaborate with the postsecondary institution to reach agreement on admission and registration of eligible dual credit students for the stated semester;
(4) employ a method of qualifying the student for dual credit based on factors which may include academic performance review, use of next step plan, assessments, advisement and career guidance, and therefore recommend enrollment at the postsecondary institution with evidence that the student has the appropriate skills and maturity to benefit from the instruction requested;
(5) provide information and orientation to students about opportunities to participate in dual credit programs during student advisement, academic support, and formulation of annual next step plans;
(6) provide the form to eligible students and appropriate LEA staff online and in hard copy;
(7) approve the form for each student on a course-by-course basis each semester based on each student's prior coursework, career pathway, or academic readiness;
(8) provide information and orientation, in collaboration with the postsecondary institution, to the student and student's family regarding the responsibilities of dual credit enrollment including academic rigor, time commitments, and behavioral expectations associated with taking college courses and the importance of satisfactorily completing the college credits attempted in order for dual credit to be awarded;
(9) inform students of course requirement information which includes course content, grading policy, attendance requirements, course completion requirements, performance standards, and other related course information;
(10) notify the postsecondary institution if the student's official schedule of classes is in conflict with the school endorsed registration;
(11) provide appropriate accommodations and services for special education students while the students are enrolled in dual credit classes, including academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services for eligible students across educational activities and settings (e.g. equipping school computers with screen-reading, voice recognition or other adaptive hardware or software and providing note-takers, recording devices, or sign language interpreters, or other adaptation as required by law);
(12) inform students in need of accommodations or other arrangements of the need to speak directly with the disabilities coordinator at the postsecondary institution;
(13) work collaboratively with the postsecondary institution to submit a student's request for change in registration according to postsecondary institution policies and within officially published deadlines;
(14) make it clear to students that if they fail or withdraw from dual credit classes that they were intending to use to substitute for a high school requirement that they will have to make up those credits in order to graduate; the dual credit course grade will appear on the student high school transcript;
(15) pay the cost of the required textbooks and other course supplies for the postsecondary course the dual credit student is enrolled in through purchase arrangements with the bookstore at the postsecondary institution or other cost-efficient methods;
(16) collaborate with the postsecondary institution to offer dual credit courses at the high school site according to LEA site time blocks;
(17) furnish an official high school transcript to the postsecondary institution if required by the postsecondary institution;
(18) record, unchanged, the grade given to the dual credit student by the postsecondary institution on each student high school transcript;
(19) retain educational records in accordance with New Mexico statutes and record retention regulations as per 1.20.2 NMAC;
(20) comply with data collection and reporting provisions in NMAC;
(21) have a student appeals process pertaining to student enrollment in dual credit programs LEA decisions are final); and
(22) have the right to appeal to the dual credit council on issues related to implementing the dual credit program, agreement, and rules.
I. Duties and responsibilities of the student. The student shall:
(1) qualify for dual credit courses offered in the fall, winter and summer by:
(a) being enrolled during the fall and winter in a LEA in one-half or more of the minimum course requirements approved by the New Mexico public education department for public school students under its jurisdiction or by being in physical attendance at a bureau of Indian education-funded high school at least three documented contact hours per day pursuant to 25 CFR 39.211(c);
(b) obtaining permission from the LEA representative (in consultation with the student's individualized education program team, as needed), the student's parent or guardian, and postsecondary institution representative through a fully executed form prior to enrolling in a dual credit course; and
(c) meeting postsecondary institution requirements to enroll as a dual credit student;
(2) discuss potential dual credit courses with the appropriate LEAs and postsecondary institution staff, including postsecondary institution admission and registration requirements, course requirements, credits to be attempted, credits to be awarded, scheduling under dual credit, and implications for failure to successfully complete the course;
(3) obtain course requirements for each course, including course prerequisites, course content, grading policy, attendance requirements, course completion requirements, performance standards, and other related course information;
(4) meet the prerequisites and requirements of the course(s) to be taken;
(5) complete the form available online or in hard copy from the LEA or postsecondary institution;
(6) obtain approval for enrolling in the dual credit program each semester by acquiring all necessary signatures on the form;
(7) register for courses during the postsecondary institution's standard registration periods (note: enrollments shall not be permitted after the close of posted late registration);
(8) discuss any request for a change in registration (add, drop, withdrawal) and complete all necessary forms and procedures with appropriate LEA and postsecondary institution staff;
(9) comply with the LEA and postsecondary institution student code of conduct and other institutional policies;
(10) have rights and privileges that include:
(a) the rights and privileges equal to those extended to LEA and postsecondary institution students, unless otherwise excluded by any section of this agreement;
(b) use of the postsecondary institution library, course-related labs and other instructional facilities, use of the postsecondary institution programs and services such as counseling, tutoring, advising, and special services for the students with disabilities, and access to postsecondary institution personnel and resources as required; and
(c) the right to appeal, in writing to the LEA or postsecondary institution, as applicable, any decision pertaining to enrollment in the dual credit program;
(11) return the textbooks and unused course supplies to the LEA when the student completes the course or withdraws from the course (subject to provisions in Subsection B of Section 22-15-10 NMSA 1978 regarding lost or damaged instructional material);
(12) arrange transportation to the site of the dual credit course; depending upon the time and course location, the student may have access to transportation through the LEA if the dual credit course is offered during the school day;
(13) be responsible for course-specific (e.g. lab, computer) fees;
(14) allow educational records to be retained and disseminated in accordance with the requirements of the FERPA;
(15) sign the FERPA release form, along with student parent or guardian, if applicable, in order to participate in dual credit courses; and
(16) abide by regular operating calendars, schedules and associated requirements of both the LEA and postsecondary institution; in instances in which the calendars are incongruent, the student is required to independently satisfy both calendar requirements and may consult with LEA counselors for assistance.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 06/30/08; A, 08/16/10