Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - DEFINITIONSA. "ACT high school code" is the unique code provided to each high school by ACT, Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.B. "Agreement" is the dual credit master agreement.C. "Classification of instructional program" or "CIP" is a taxonomic coding scheme that contains titles and descriptions of instructional programs, primarily at the postsecondary level. The CIP was originally developed to facilitate the United States department of education national center for education statistics' collection and reporting of postsecondary degree completions, by major field of study, using standard classifications that capture the majority of program activity.D. "Common core" means the common general education core of lower division college-level courses for which, pursuant to Subsection D of Section 21-1B-3 NMSA 1978 and NMAC credit is eligible for transfer from one public postsecondary institution to another and is applied toward requirements for postsecondary graduation and receipt of a degree.E. "Concurrent enrollment" refers to enrollment of high school students in courses at the postsecondary level that are not designated as dual credit. This includes courses not listed within the dual credit master agreement between the eligible LEAs and postsecondary institution. Students who are concurrently enrolled may also be enrolled in the dual credit program if they meet eligibility requirements as specified in 6.30.7 NMAC.F. "Core course" means courses required for high school graduation as defined in 22-13-1.1 NMSA, 1978, excluding physical education activity courses and electives.G. "Developmental course" refers to courses with CIP codes of 32.0101, 32.0107 or 32.0199 that fall within the basic skills or career exploration/awareness skills categories.H. "Dual credit council" is an advisory group consisting of staff of the public education department and higher education department that issues recommendations to the cabinet secretaries of the public education and higher education departments regarding dual credit issues outside of the scope of the agreement.I. "Dual credit program" means a program that allows high school students to enroll in college-level courses offered by a postsecondary institution that may be academic or career technical but not remedial or developmental, and simultaneously to earn credit toward high school graduation and a postsecondary degree or certificate.J. "Elective course" means courses defined and approved as such by local school boards.K. "FERPA" is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act [20 U.S. Code 1232g].L. "Form" is the dual credit request form.M. "General fees" as defined in 5.7.18 NMAC and Subsection B of Section 21-1-4 -NMSA 1978 means a fixed sum charged to students for items not covered by tuition and required of such a proportion of all students that the student who does not pay the charge is an exception. General fees include fees for matriculation, library services, student activities, student union services, student health services, debt service and athletics. An institution may charge fees in addition to general fees that are course-specific or that pertain to a smaller proportion of students.N. "Individualized education program" or "IEP" means a written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with 34 CFR Secs. 300.320 through 300.324.O. "Local educational agency (LEA)" is a district as defined in NMAC (a public school district, a state-chartered charter school or a state educational institution),or a bureau of Indian education-funded high school.P. "Physical education activity course" refers to courses with CIP code of 36.0108.Q. "Postsecondary institution" refers to a public postsecondary educational institution operating in the state, including a community college, branch community college, technical vocational institute, four-year educational institution, and tribal colleges.R. "Remedial course" refers to courses with CIP codes of 32.0104 or 32.0108 that fall within the numeracy and computational skills, precollegiate mathematics skills, precollegiate reading skills, precollegiate writing skills, or communications skills categories.S. "Tribal college" means a tribally, federally or congressionally chartered post-secondary educational institution located in New Mexico that is accredited by the north central association of colleges and schools.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 06/30/08; A, 08/16/10