N.H. Admin. Code § Per 801.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Per 801.02 - Minimum Requirements for All Evaluations
(a) Each evaluation shall measure the employee's performance in relation to the performance expectations of the position. At a minimum, these expectations shall include each accountability listed in the employee's supplemental job description required by Per 301.03(d)(8), which shall be attached to the evaluation.
(b) Each evaluation shall rate the employee's performance as either:
(1) Meeting expectations; or
(2) Falling below expectations.
(c) The employee's supervisor shall rate an employee's performance as meets expectations when the employee has met job-related requirements satisfactorily or performed above expectations.
(d) If the employee performs above expectations, the supervisor shall explain in the narrative section reserved for comments:
(1) What additional, unexpected work the employee has performed; and
(2) How this work has contributed to the success of the goals of the agency.
(e) The employee's supervisor shall rate an employee's performance below expectations when the employee:
(1) Has not met job-related requirements satisfactorily; and
(2) Is required to make immediate improvement.
(f) In the case of a rating of below expectations, the supervisor shall explain in the narrative section reserved for comments:
(1) What action the employee shall be required to take to improve performance; and
(2) How this action relates to the requirements of the position as stated in the employee's supplemental job description.
(g) Each evaluation form shall contain the following basic information:
(1) The employee's name;
(2) The employee's present position;
(3) The employee's work area;
(4) The name of the evaluator;
(5) The date of the evaluation;
(6) The time period covered by the evaluation; and
(7) Whether the evaluation is an annual review, an increment review or a review for some other purpose, such as in relation to a corrective action plan.
(h) Each evaluation shall contain an evaluation of the individual categories of performance as specified in Per 801.03 through Per 801.05.
(i) Each evaluation shall contain a section summarizing the overall performance of the employee as either meeting expectations, falling below expectations, or exceeding expectations. This section shall also contain a narrative summary by the supervisor explaining how the supervisor arrived at the overall performance rating. If the employee's performance is rated below expectations, the supervisor shall also include comments and recommendations for the employee's improvement, unless the employee is a probationary employee being dismissed.
(j) The supervisor shall conduct a meeting with the employee being evaluated to explain the evaluation and shall record the date of the meeting on the form.
(k) The employee shall have the opportunity to comment in writing on the evaluation. If the employee does not concur with the evaluation's findings, the employee shall include an explanation of the reasons for non-concurrence.
(l) Each evaluation shall be signed and dated by:
(1) The supervisor who is completing the evaluation;
(2) The appointing authority approving the evaluation, if different from the employee's immediate supervisor; and
(3) The employee being evaluated.
(m) The employee's signature on the evaluation shall certify only that the evaluation has been read and discussed and that the employee has been notified of his or her opportunity to comment.
(n) If the employee refuses to sign the evaluation after being given the opportunity to do so, the supervisor shall so certify in writing and the evaluation shall be valid for all purposes.

N.H. Admin. Code § Per 801.02

(See Revision Notes at chapter heading for Per 100) #8738, eff 10-18-06

Amended byVolume XXXV Number 18, Filed May 7, 2015, Proposed by #10817, Effective 5/17/2015, Expires5/17/2025.