Section Lot 1103.02 - License Approvals(a) An application for a license shall be complete when the commission determines that all items required by Lot 1103.01(c) or (e) above, as applicable, have been received.(b) If, upon review, the commission determines that the application contains apparent errors or omissions, the commission shall notify the applicant and request that the information be corrected or submitted so that the application can be processed.(c) The commission shall approve an application and issue a keno license when it finds that the applicant has: (1) Met the requirements set forth in Lot 1103.01(b) above;(2) The area within the premises where keno tickets will be sold is suitable for the placement of a keno terminal and related devices as applicable, including: a. Adequate space to accommodate the keno terminal and related devices so as to allow easy access and use by players;b. A reliable electrical supply within 6 feet of where the keno terminal and related devices will be located;c. Adequate space to allow for the prominent display of keno related advertisements, supplies, and paraphernalia for the promotion and playing of keno to patrons; andd. For applicants qualifying in accordance with Lot 1103.01(b)(1)b.1. above, the area is: 1. Within the area apportioned to the distribution of alcoholic beverages; and2. Restricted to individuals under the age of 18, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, so as to inhibit underage individuals from attempting to purchase a ticket;(3) Agreed to allow the commission to install all equipment and systems necessary to the operation of keno, including monitors and communication systems;(4) Not had a check returned to the commission for insufficient funds, which was not subsequently resolved and paid in full;(5) Submitted all missing information upon the commission's request;(6) Paid all fines imposed under administrative remedies by the commission;(7) Not permitted an individual to operate the game who is prohibited from doing so under RSA 284:45,V(b);(8) Not provided false or misleading information to the commission;(9) Not prevented, interfered, or failed to cooperate with any inspection or investigation conducted by the commission;(10) Provided files or documents to the commission upon request; and(11) Not otherwise violated RSA 284:41-51 or this chapter.(d) A keno license shall expire one year after issue, unless otherwise revoked.(e) Any licensing fee submitted to the commission in the form of a check or money order and returned to the state for any reason, shall be processed in accordance with RSA 6:11-a.(f) All licenses issued in accordance with this chapter shall be non-transferable by person or location.N.H. Admin. Code § Lot 1103.02
Derived From Volume XXXVII Number 45, Filed November 09, 2017, Proposed by #12412, Effective 10/27/2017, Expires 10/27/2027.Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 45, Filed November 8, 2018, Proposed by #12647, Effective 10/23/2018, Expires 10/23/2028.Amended by Number 6, Filed February 9, 2023, Proposed by #13520, Effective 1/14/2023, Expires 1/14/2033.