Section Lot 1103.01 - License Requirements(a) No individual or entity shall offer keno without possessing a current and valid keno license issued by the commission in accordance with RSA 284:41-51 and this chapter.(b) To qualify for a license: (1) The premises where the keno games will be operated from shall:a. Be located in a town or city that has voted to allow the operation of keno games pursuant to RSA 284:51;b. Hold at least one of the following: 1. A valid liquor license issued by the New Hampshire liquor commission in accordance with RSA 284:45, VI(a); or2. A valid lottery retailer license issued by the New Hampshire lottery commission in accordance with RSA 284:21-h; andc. Be in compliance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) per the commission's 1997 settlement agreement with the US Department of Justice (Complaint No. 204-47-25);(2) The area within the premises where keno tickets will be sold shall comply with the following: a. For applicants qualifying in accordance with (1)b.1. above, the area shall be within the area apportioned for the distribution of alcoholic beverages which meets the requirements of Lot 1103.02 below; andb. For applicants qualifying in accordance with (1)b.2. above, the area shall not be equipped with active screens on which keno results are displayed;(3) Neither the applicant nor any individuals renting, leasing, subleasing, or otherwise providing the premises or keno paraphernalia for the conduct of keno shall have: a. Been convicted of a felony or class A misdemeanor within the previous 10 years which has not been annulled by a court;b. Been convicted of a class B misdemeanor within the previous 5 years which has not been annulled by a court; orc. Violated the statutes or rules governing charitable gaming in this or any other state; and(4) The applicant shall: a. Have the ability to meet financial obligations as demonstrated by:1. An established credit history that demonstrates that the applicant makes timely payments, and has no bankruptcies or tax liens against them; or2. A bond secured in the amount of $20,000, naming the commission as the oblige, and conditioned upon the applicant's compliance with payment obligations relative to weekly settlement and remittances;b. Not have had any previously issued licenses revoked by the commission within 12-months of the application being submitted; andc. Otherwise meet the requirements for licensure under RSA 284 and this chapter.(c) To apply for a keno license, an applicant shall submit the following:(1) A completed "NH Lottery Retailer Application" form (December 2023), which shall include consent for the commission to conduct a credit history check;(2) Proof of registration with the NH secretary of state, corporation division;(3) A "State of New Hampshire AlternateW-9" form (October 2017);(4) A "New Hampshire Lottery Commission Authorization Agreement for Variable Withdrawals (ACH Debits)" form (October 2017), and:a. A voided check if withdrawals will be taken from a checking account; orb. Bank verification if withdrawal will be taken from a saving account;(5) A signed "New Hampshire Lottery Uniform Retailer Agreement" (October 2022);(6) A photocopy of a state or government issued ID for each owner, partner, manager, or officer of the business identified in section 4 and 5 of the application; and(7) A completed "Criminal Record Release Authorization Form" (July 2016) authorizing the release of the applicant's criminal record to the commission, along with the applicable fee in the form of a check made payable to State of NH-Criminal Records.(d) The applicant shall submit the application at least 30 days before the first game date at the location specified on the application.(e) To renew a keno license, an applicant shall submit a completed "Keno Renewal" form (December 2023), which shall include a certification affirming that: (1) The individual signing the application is authorized to do so on behalf of the business;(2) Neither the applicant, the individuals identified on the application, nor any employees operating the keno games have been convicted of a felony within the past 10 years, or a class B misdemeanor within the past 5 years, which have not been annulled by a court, or violated any of the statutes or rules governing charitable gambling in the past in this or any other state; and(3) Under penalty of unsworn falsification pursuant to RSA 641:3, the information provided on the application and on any supporting documentation is true, accurate and complete and that there are no willful misrepresentations in or falsifications of the information provided.(f) A licensee shall submit a renewal request at least 30 days prior to the expiration of their current license.N.H. Admin. Code § Lot 1103.01
Derived From Volume XXXVII Number 45, Filed November 09, 2017, Proposed by #12412, Effective 10/27/2017, Expires 10/27/2027.Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 45, Filed November 8, 2018, Proposed by #12647, Effective 10/23/2018, Expires 10/23/2028.Amended by Number 6, Filed February 9, 2023, Proposed by #13520, Effective 1/14/2023, Expires 1/14/2033.Amended by Number 6, Filed February 8, 2024, Proposed by #13851, Effective 1/11/2024, Expires 1/11/2034.