N.H. Admin. Code § He-P 2153.07

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-P 2153.07 - Wastewater System Requirements
(a) Certificate holders which discharge their wastewater to either public or private wastewater systems which hold either a state surface water discharge permit or a groundwater discharge permit issued by the New Hampshire department of environmental services (DES), shall indicate this by selecting "yes" under the town wastewater category on question 10 on the initial application.
(b) Certificate holders which do not discharge their wastewater as described in (a) above shall submit as part of their application a copy of the construction approval and the operation approval for the sewage or waste disposal system that indicates that the system is sufficient in capacity to serve the subject establishment issued by DES in accordance with RSA 485-A:29 and Env-Wq 1000.
(c) If there is no increase in the loading of the waste disposal system serving the certificate holder in (b) above, and the applicant is unable to produce the documentation required, and has obtained approval of the waste disposal system from DES, the department shall waive the requirement in (b) with written approval from DES.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-P 2153.07

Derived from Volume XXXIV Number 46, Filed November 13, 2014, Proposed by #10704, Effective 10/23/2014, Expires10/23/2024.
Amended by Number 10, Filed March 9, 2023, Proposed by #13569, Effective 2/25/2023, Expires 2/25/2033.