Section He-C 6355.08 - Discharge Conditions(a) Once admitted to the foster care program, the child shall not be discharged unless one or more of the following conditions exist:(1) The child has successfully completed the program and is ready to transition to his/her identified permanency plan or concurrent permanency plan;(2) The treatment team has determined that a less restrictive environment is in the child's best interest;(3) The child is a danger to himself, herself, or others and, after intensive staff intervention or crisis stabilization, it is determined that a more restrictive placement is necessary in order to maintain safety;(4) The child is determined to be in need of psychiatric hospitalization after an emergency mental health evaluation;(5) The child is a danger to others as determined via delinquency proceedings conducted pursuant to RSA 169-B; or(6) The child's clinical needs can be best met in another setting as determined in the treatment planning process and the child has been accepted into that setting.(b) If DCYF or the foster care program determines an unplanned discharge is necessary, all treatment team members shall be provided written, or electronic, notice at least 14 calendar days prior to the requested date that the child in placement is to be removed from their program including the detailed reasons for such request, except if a request for an immediate unplanned discharge is granted due to a circumstance identified in (a) (3), (a) (4), or (a) (5) above.(c) Prior to a discharge, with the exception of a discharge relative to (a) (3), (a) (4), or (a) (5) above, the foster care program in conjunction with the family and the DCYF representative, or both, shall discuss the transitional services to support family reunification, or the child's transition to an alternative placement.(d) When the child is discharged, the foster care program shall provide details around medication management and medical concerns to the entity the child is discharged to, in writing, on the day of discharge.(e) A written discharge summary shall be completed no later than 15 days after the child's discharge.(f) The discharge summary shall be filed in the foster care program's record and a copy shall be sent to the representative from DCYF and the parent(s) or guardian(s) .N.H. Admin. Code § He-C 6355.08
Amended byVolume XXXIV Number 33, Filed August 14, 2014, Proposed by #10640, Effective 7/29/2014, Expires7/26/2015.Amended byVolume XXXV Number 10, Filed March 12, 2015, Proposed by #10783, Effective 2/13/2015, Expires2/13/2025.