Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 1611.08 - Facility PlanThe plan required under Env-Wq 1611.02(c)(2) shall:
(a) Be at a scale appropriate to show all information contained on the plan clearly; and(b) Show the following: (1) A locus map which identifies the proposed site or facility location and details the proposed route of access to and onto the site;(2) The total available land area, in acres, and the specific acres to be used for I/A operations, including proposed stockpile, holding or storage tank locations;(3) All access roads and access control measures, including perimeter fencing and setback zones;(4) All roads, property lines, structures whether on or off the property, and all easements or rights-of-way which exist on the property;(5) All proposed measures to control surface runoff to or from the site or facility and stockpile locations, if applicable;(6) All surrounding land use within 600 feet of the site or facility footprint;(7) All soil test pit locations;(8) The approximate location of and distance to all dwellings, structures, and water supply wells within 300 feet of the I/A site or facility;(9) The names and mailing addresses of all abutters;(10) The name and location of all surface waters within1/4 mile of the site or facility, including their designated river classification, under RSA 483, New Hampshire rivers management and protection program, if applicable;(11) The scale of the plan;(12) An arrow indicating which direction on the plan is north;(13) The location of all poorly and very poorly drained soils; and(14) If applicable, the location of the groundwater discharge or monitoring zone as described in Env-Wq 1615.02.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1611.08
#8458, eff 10-27-05 (see Revision Note at chapter heading); ss by #10466, eff 11-26-13