N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1611.07

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 1611.07 - Criteria for Review

The department shall issue or renew an I/A permit if it determines that the following criteria have been met:

(a) All applicable requirements of the rules have been met;
(b) All other state permits which are necessary for the construction and operation of the facility have been received;
(c) Management of septage at the facility, in accordance with the application, does not violate any statutes or rules implemented by the department;
(d) The applicant has not been convicted of a misdemeanor under any statute administered by the department within the 5 years prior to the date of application, or of a felony in any state or federal court during the 10 years prior to the date of application;
(e) The applicant has paid all fees and administrative fines owed to the department and all civil or criminal penalties owed to the State as a result of a violation of a law administered by the department;
(f) The septage management activities which will be conducted at the facility do not adversely affect threatened or endangered species, classified groundwater protection areas, or any river or segment designated under RSA 483;
(g) As compared to a conventional system, the proposed I/A system will:
(1) Function as well or better; and
(2) Be at least as protective of the environment;
(h) The proposed I/A system shall not include open storage, stockpiling, or load transfer which could create odors; and
(i) The proposed I/A system shall:
(1) Have no discharge to the site; or
(2) Meet at least 2 of the following criteria:
a. The system includes a septic system permitted under RSA 485-A:29-44 and Env-Wq 1000 sized for less than 20,000 gallons per day of flow;
b. The proposed facility will produce EQ solids; or
c. If there is on-site discharge of filtrate from any dewatering process to other than a septic system as indicated in a., above, the filtrate shall meet EQ standards.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1611.07

#8458, eff 10-27-05 (see Revision Note at chapter heading); ss by #10466, eff 11-26-13