Section Env-Dw 801.02 - Requirement to Use Specific Notice Language(a) When providing the information on potential adverse health effects required by Env-Dw 801.03(a)(3), the O/O shall include the applicable language specified in Env-Dw 804 through Env-Dw 810 for each contaminant or situation.(b) If language for a particular contaminant is not specified in Env-Dw 804 through Env-Dw 810 at the time notice is required, the O/O shall contact the department.(c) The O/O of a PWS at which the secondary MCL for fluoride as specified in Env-Dw 706.01 is exceeded shall issue public notice as specified in Env-Dw 803.01.(d) The O/O of a PWS for which an exemption has been granted under RSA 485:42 shall issue public notice as specified in Env-Dw 802.(e) The O/O of a PWS that is subject to the unregulated contaminant monitoring rule identified in 40 CFR 141.40 shall issue public notice as specified in Env-Dw 803.03.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 801.02
(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Dw 800) #9730, eff 6-30-10
Amended by Volume XXXV Number 06, Filed February 12, 2015 , Proposed by #10771, Effective 2/1/2015, Expires2/1/2025.Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 50, Filed December 13, 2018, Proposed by 12675, Effective 1/1/2019, Expires 1/1/2029.