Section Env-Dw 801.01 - Applicability; Recipient(s) of Public Notice(a) The public notice requirements specified in this chapter shall apply to each public water system (PWS) that is subject to the requirements for which Env-Dw 801.05, Env-Dw 801.08(a), or Env-Dw 801.11(a) require notice to be provided.(b) An O/O who is required to give public notice under this chapter shall notify the persons served by the PWS as specified herein.(c) For any PWS that serves a consecutive system as defined in 40 CFR 141.2, the following shall apply: (1) Subject to (d), below, the O/O of the supplying PWS shall give public notice as required by this chapter to the O/O of the consecutive PWS; and(2) The O/O of the consecutive PWS shall provide public notice to the persons served by the consecutive PWS.(d) If the O/O of the consecutive PWS wants the O/O of the supplying PWS to provide notice to the certified operator of the consecutive PWS in addition to or in lieu of the O/O of the consecutive system, the O/O of the consecutive PWS shall: (1) Provide such directive in writing to the O/O of the supplying PWS; and(2) Send a copy of the directive to the department concurrently with sending it to the O/O of the supplying PWS.(e) The O/O of the consecutive PWS may rescind the directive at any time by providing written notice of the rescission to the O/O of the supplying PWS and sending a copy of the rescission to the department.(f) Any notice under this chapter that is required to be given to the department shall be directed to the attention of the department's drinking water program.(g) For a PWS owned by a political subdivision, the PWS shall not be required to provide notice under Env-Dw 801.08(a)(5) or Env-Dw 801.11(a)(5) relative to exceeding ambient groundwater quality standards if the local legislative body of the political subdivision does not approve funding for the cost of the notice.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Dw 801.01
(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Dw 800) #9730, eff 6-30-10
Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 50, Filed December 13, 2018, Proposed by 12675, Effective 1/1/2019, Expires 1/1/2029.