Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-A 808.12 - Requirement for Substitute Emission Data(a) Any facility that uses the emissions data collected by a gaseous CEM system to calculate and report its annual emissions in accordance with Env-A 900 shall comply with (b) through (h) below.(b) For any facility operating hour during which the gaseous CEM system has not collected a valid hour of CEM system data, the owner or operator shall submit to the department substitute emission data for those hours which has been generated using one of the following methods: (1) The missing data substitution procedures specified in 40 CFR 75 Subpart D;(2) If the missing data occurred during a period of steady-state operation, and not during a period of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction: a. An average of the valid hours of CEM system emissions data collected prior to and after the period of missing data, where the number of hours before and the number of hours after are both at least equal or more than the number of missing hours of data; andb. The substituted data is representative of the missing data, being at the same heat input rate, electric generating rate, or steam load;(3) If the missing data occurred during a start-up, shutdown, or malfunction of the device, substitute data collected by the CEM during a similar period of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction, respectively; or(4) An alternative method of data substitution that meets the following criteria: a. The alternative method was included in the monitoring plan submitted pursuant to Env-A 808.04;b. The alternative method provides for representative emissions for the conditions of operation of the device during the period of missing data equivalent to the substitution methods described in (1) through (3), above; andc. The alternative method was approved by the department as part of its approval of the monitoring plan pursuant to Env-A 808.04. (c) For CEM systems and emissions subject to the missing data substitution procedures of 40 CFR 75 Subpart D, sources shall follow those requirements for substituting emissions data in order to calculate emission totals or emission averages as required by 40 CFR 75.(d) For CEM systems and emissions not subject to the missing data substitution procedures of 40 CFR 75 Subpart D, sources shall include substitute emissions data in the calculation of total daily, monthly, quarterly, and annual emissions generated by the permitted device to quantify total actual emissions.(e) Substitute emission data shall not be used in the calculation of emissions totals or averages in order to determine or demonstrate compliance with emissions standards.(f) For the period of time from device startup until certification of the CEM system, the owner or operator shall report facility emissions using the missing data substitution procedures as specified in (a) through (d), above.(g) Substitute data shall not be included in the calculation of data availability.(h) Any facility that uses EPA's Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, AP-42 as revised, or other emission factor chosen in accordance with Env-A 808.04, to calculate and report its annual emissions in accordance with Env-A 900, for a pollutant for which it also measures the concentration and determines the emissions using a gaseous CEM system, shall submit in the quarterly emission report required by Env-A 808.14 all valid hours of gaseous CEM system emission data, as defined in Env-A 808.01(j), for that pollutant.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-A 808.12
#7788, eff 10-31-02; ss by #9802, eff 10-31-10 (from Env-A 808.10); ss by #12762, eff 5-1-19 (from Env-A 808.13)
Amended by Volume XXXIX Number 19, Filed May 9, 2019, Proposed by #12762, Effective 5/1/2019, Expires 5/1/2029.