N.H. Admin. Code § Ed 408.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Ed 408.02 - Membership Selection

Membership on the NSAC shall consist of the following:

(a) Ten members representing New Hampshire's nonpublic schools appointed by the commissioner upon nomination of the NSAC;
(b) The commissioner shall appoint one public school or chartered public school administrator;
(c) The commissioner may appoint other individuals interested in nonpublic school education but not affiliated with a nonpublic school or state agency; and
(d) The commissioner of health and human services shall appoint one member representing children, youth, and families.

N.H. Admin. Code § Ed 408.02

#8263, eff 1-22-05; ss by #10360, eff 6-15-13

Amended by Number 6, Filed February 8, 2024, Proposed by #13853, Effective 1/12/2024, Expires 1/12/2034 (formerly Ed 406.02) (see Revision Note at chapter heading for Ed 400).