N.H. Admin. Code § Agr 1002.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Agr 1002.01 - Application For Permit
(a) A producer of New Hampshire farm products may obtain an application for a permit to use the New Hampshire seal of quality design in connection with the sale of said farm products by writing to the New Hampshire department of agriculture, markets and food, division of regulatory services, PO Box 2042, Concord, NH 03302-2042.
(b) An applicant for a permit to use the New Hampshire seal of quality on farm products under RSA 426:1, 426:2, and 426:8 shall complete and submit Form SQ-1 "Application for Permit To Use The New Hampshire Seal of Quality on Farm Products," as amended 6-1-15.
(c) Permit applications, furnished by the commissioner, shall be accompanied by an annual permit fee of $25 for maple products, and $10 for all other covered commodities, payable to Treasurer, State of New Hampshire.
(d) Prior to the issuance of an initial permit by the department an inspection shall be made by the department to determine compliance with the rules for the particular product or products as stated in Agr 1003.
(e) Renewal permits may be subject to an annual inspection by the department.
(f) Within 30 days following an inspection the department shall issue a permit for the use of the seal of quality design if the application has complied with Agr 1003.
(g) The department shall notify the applicant in writing of the reason(s) for denial of a permit.
(h) For those who receive a denial of a permit, within 10 days following receipt of an official denial from the department, the applicant may implement corrective actions in order to comply with the seal of quality standards.
(i) For those who receive a denial of a permit, and implement corrective actions, a follow up inspection shall be conducted to verify compliance with the seal of quality standards.
(j) Within 10 days following receipt of an official denial from the department, the applicant may request a hearing to show reasons why the permit should not be denied.
(k) The following shall apply for permits:
(1) A permit holder shall be issued an official seal of quality permit with a number, which shall be the same for each year; and
(2) All permits shall be issued annually for the period of July 1 to June 30 of the following year; and permits shall expire on June 30 if not renewed.

N.H. Admin. Code § Agr 1002.01

Derived From Volume XXXV Number 45, Filed November 12, 2015, Proposed by #10952, Effective 10/21/2015, Expires 10/21/2025.