Section 504.688 - Records regarding clients1. Licensed master guides and subguides shall keep and have available complete, current and accurate records regarding their clients.2. Records regarding clients must be written on forms furnished by the Department to all licensed master guides. These forms will include spaces for:(b) The client's hunting or fishing license number, whichever is applicable.(c) The client's tag or permit number, if a tag or permit is required by the Department.(d) The dates, specifying the days, months and years, on which the client was guided.(e) The date, specifying the day, month and year, on which each species of wildlife was harvested, the species harvested and the number of the species harvested.(f) The point class of the animal harvested if the animal is a deer or elk.(g) The management unit where each animal was harvested.(h) The name of each of the guides who guided the client.3. A guide shall:(a) Make the initial entry in the records that are required pursuant to subsection 2 on the first day that he or she provides guide services to the client;(b) Make the final entry in the records required pursuant to subsection 2 on the final day guide services are provided to the client ; and(c) Keep the records required pursuant to subsection 2 in the primary method of transportation used by the guide at all times while transporting, providing a service to or otherwise in the company of a client.4. The master guide shall submit to the Department all original record forms for his or her clients for the immediately preceding license year, including the record forms of any subguides employed by the master guide, by certified mail, return receipt requested, not later than the last day of May of the year for which the guide is currently licensed. If: (a) No clients were guided during the immediately preceding license year, the master guide shall submit one page from his or her client record book and one page from the client record book of each subguide employed by the master guide, with the notation "no clients" written on the page.(b) A master guide fails to submit the record forms for his or her clients on or before the last day of May, the Department will give the master guide electronic or written notice of that fact. If the master guide fails to submit the required forms on or before June 30, the Department may deny the master guide's application for renewal for the next ensuing license year.(c) A master guide fails to submit the record forms for his or her clients on or before the last day of May two or more times within a 3-year period, the Department may deny the master guide's application for renewal for the next ensuing license year.5. The master guide and subguide shall present his or her clients' records for inspection : (a) Upon request, to an agent of the Department authorized to enforce the provisions of NAC 504.590 to 504.711, inclusive, while the master guide or subguide is transporting, providing a service to or otherwise in the company of a client; and(b) For all other times when the master guide or subguide is not transporting, providing a service to or otherwise in the company of a client, at any reasonable hour or place to any agent of the Department authorized to enforce the provisions of NAC 504.590 to 504.711, inclusive.Nev. Admin. Code § 504.688
Added to NAC by Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, eff. 9-15-89; A 3-13-97; R054-04, 8-25-2004; R110-05, 10-31-2005; Added to NAC by Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, eff. 9-15-89; A 3-13-97; R054-04, 8-25-2004; R110-05, 10-31-2005; R053-13, 6/23/2014; A by R006-21A, eff. 2/28/2022NRS 501.105, 501.181, 504.390