Section 504.685 - Contracts with clients1. Before providing a service to a client, a licensed master guide must furnish the client with a contract:(a) Stating: (1) The type of service to be provided, including, without limitation, food, lodging, transportation, caping, field dressing services and the packing out of harvested wildlife.(2) The dates on which guide services are to be provided.(3) The fee schedule for the guide's services.(4) The maximum number of clients which may accompany a guide on any one occasion.(5) The master guide's policy regarding the cancellation and amendment of a contract for guide services.(6) The master guide's policy regarding the return of a deposit if the contract is cancelled.(7) Whether the client can expect to be guided by a person other than the master guide.(b) Signed by the master guide and the client.2. A contract must be provided to every client whether or not the master guide does the actual guiding.3. A master guide shall provide the client with a contract signed by the master guide within 30 days after receipt of a deposit for future guide services.4. Only the master guide may enter into a contract with a client.5. A subguide, with authorization from the master guide, may present a contract to a client for the purpose of obtaining the client's signature. If a subguide presents a contract to a client:(a) The contract must contain the original signature of the master guide;(b) The subguide shall not alter the provisions of the contract unless he or she receives authorization from the master guide; and(c) If applicable, the subguide shall initial and date any alterations made to the contract.6. The master guide shall retain all original signed contracts for not less than 3 years.7. At all times while transporting, providing a service to or otherwise in the company of a client, the master guide or his or her subguide shall carry on his or her person or otherwise have readily available in the field a copy of the contract required by this section and shall provide the copy of the contract to an agent of the Department authorized to enforce the provisions of NAC 504.590 to 504.711, inclusive, if requested. At all times when the resident master guide or his or her subguide is not transporting, providing a service to or otherwise in the company of the client, the resident master guide or his or her subguide shall provide, within 24 hours after receiving the request, any contracts to an agent of the Department authorized to enforce the provisions of NAC 504.590 to 504.711, inclusive.8. Whenever guiding in this State, a nonresident master guide shall keep copies of all contracts for clients guided in the State during the current calendar year readily available for inspection by any agent of the Department.Nev. Admin. Code § 504.685
Added to NAC by Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, eff. 9-15-89; A by R054-04, 8-25-2004-Substituted in revision for NAC 504.665; A by R006-21A, eff. 2/28/2022NRS 501.105, 501.181, 504.390